Phoenix Suns 正式開除總教練 Monty Williams
與 2022 年度最佳總教練分道揚鑣。

Phoenix Suns 於日前在季後賽第二輪第六戰大比分輸給 Denver Nuggets 之後,球團官方今日正式宣佈開除總教練 Monty Williams。
根據 Adrian Wojnarowski 報導,開除 2022 年度最佳總教練 Monty Williams 為球團新老闆 Mat Ishbia 的決定,作為球隊重整的第一步。Phoenix Suns 在 2020-21 球季時得到 Chris Paul 之後便迎來旭日東升的例行賽戰績,Monty 帶隊四年擁有 194 勝 115 敗的高勝率戰績,該賽季最終在總冠軍賽輸給 Milwaukee Bucks,而近兩年皆在季後賽中鎩羽而歸,尤其今年更是在有 Kevin Durant 的加盟下再次止步第二輪。
另外,有消息稱 Suns 對於招攬 Tyronn Lue 擁有濃烈興趣,正在尋求從 Los Angeles Clippers 的可能性。
Breaking: The Phoenix Suns are parting ways with head coach Monty Williams, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.
— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) May 14, 2023
New owner Mat Ishbia made decision to fire Williams, who has been the winningest coach in NBA since 2021. Suns have a starry but top-heavy roster with little cap flexibility this summer. The Suns will compete in coaching marketplace with Milwaukee and Toronto now.
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) May 14, 2023
The Suns, league sources say, are expected to explore the feasibility of trying to lure Tyronn Lue away from the Clippers after tonight’s abrupt dismissal of Monty Williams as coach.
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— Marc Stein (@TheSteinLine) May 14, 2023
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