Jason Momoa 表現亮眼,《Fast X》首波影評正式解禁

《玩命關頭/狂野時速/Fast and Furious》系列最新續集《Fast X》首映會早先於羅馬落幕,導演 Louis Leterrier 表示會選址於此是為了向這座城市致敬,這部電影的大部分動作場景都是在羅馬完成拍攝,Louis Leterrier 也強調這些場景都是完全真實的,包括預告中於街道上滾動的巨球也非特效後製而成。
而隨著首映會結束,首波影評也終於正式解禁。關於本作的評價褒貶不一,在此就不過多評論,不過值得留意的亮點是,新加入飾演反派角色的 Jason Momoa 似乎擁有亮眼表現。Variety 記者 Simon Thompson 指出「《Fast X》屬於 Jason Momoa 和他的反派角色 Dante Reyes」,資深娛樂記者 Germain Lussier 也特別提到 Jason Momoa 的表現是「God-Level」。
其它評論也稱其表現讓本作重回正軌,但能夠看到幾乎所有的正面評論都是圍繞著 Jason Momoa。關於負評部分,則有人表示《Fast X》是《Fast and Furious》系列最糟糕的電影。
無論如何,喜好與否本就相當主觀,《Fast X》將在 5 月 17 日率先於台灣地區上映,香港則稍遲為 5 月 18 日,是好是壞屆時即可見真章,有興趣的讀者務必留意。
Caught #FastX last week! It’s a wild, non-stop action thrill ride that delivers the most shocking ending of the franchise, so far. Not perfect (end may divide fans), but it’s been growing on me & I can’t wait to see it again. Universal’s def trying to make this its Infinity War. pic.twitter.com/0EWbLNezOi
— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) May 12, 2023
#FastX belongs to Jason Momoa and his decadent bad guy, Dante Reyes. Fierce and flamboyant, his perilous peacocking adds a sharp edge and some refreshing dark humor. The rest is ludicrousness with clunky elements but it is stupidly entertaining. What the Fast were you expecting? pic.twitter.com/9Xeuj2In7z
— Simon Thompson (@ShowbizSimon) May 12, 2023
#FastX is an entertaining thrill ride. It’s a visual spectacle with some truly incredible stunts and some wildly outrageous moments you’d expect from the Fast franchise, but what Jason Momoa brings to the film as Dante is magic! His performance oozes charisma. pic.twitter.com/UjOlR77aEF
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@joedeckelmeier) May 12, 2023
#FastX is utterly ridiculous (I loved every second). Action sequences and one-liners left my face hurting from smiling so much. Momoa is hilarious. Ensemble rocks. Cinema? Please. Peak summer blockbuster? Hell yes. Built for a popcorn-filled big screen experience. @ComicBook pic.twitter.com/5XWLT4daQO
— Liam (@LiamTCrowley) May 12, 2023
Fast X gets the Fast & Furious series back on track, and reason #1 is Jason Momoa, who plays Dante like F&F’s version of The Joker. He’s a gleeful psychopath, and it’s delightful. Along with a story that avoids what made Fate Of The Furious and F9 feel stale, it’s a win. #FastX pic.twitter.com/fgZy6gjYTR
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) May 12, 2023
#FastX has a needle drop I’ve been waiting yrs for. Almost lost it in the theater when it came on. A Jersey staple (of every party/club ever?), crowds are gonna lose it when it plays. Can’t believe this was somehow never in the Fast Saga. They know their audience.
— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) May 12, 2023
#FastX is the worst Fast yet. Yes, including [insert your least fave here]. The action is fun but it’s the 1st film to not up the ante from the last one & the trademark notion of “Family” is an afterthought.
But! Jason Momoa is God-Level in it and worth the price of admission. pic.twitter.com/zYdDFwSg0T
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) May 12, 2023
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