消息稱 Apple iPhone 14 將推出全新紫色機型

紫色機型首次亮相於 Apple iPhone 12,然而在 iPhone 13 世代卻被官方取消,不過今回根據網路洩露情報指出,此配色或將在 iPhone 14 正式回歸。消息中提到 iPhone 14 共會有紫、綠、藍、黑、白和紅色可選,iPhone 14 Pro 則提供紫、綠、銀、金和石墨色,意昧著現有的天峰藍色調恐將被替代。
而目前已知其他關於 iPhone 14 Pro 的情報還包括 A16 晶片、配備 120Hz 螢幕更新率的 6.1 與 6.7 英吋 AMOLED 螢幕、48MP 廣角鏡頭、128/256/512/1TB 儲存空間、3,200/4,323mah 電池容量、隨顯螢幕、Face ID、iOS 16 等配置,同時訂價將調漲 $100 美元,不過上述資訊都尚未經過官方證實,有興趣的讀者可以參考一番。
Rumor claims new purple color for iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro, same storage options, 30W charging, more https://t.co/QmYXuAxeLU by @joseadorno
— 9to5Mac (@9to5mac) August 3, 2022
A16 in the 14 Pro/Pro Max have been seen testing at a few percentage points higher on test boards due to a better heat management system. Mostly software best I can tell, but the 14 P/PM may have some chassis changes that allow for this as well. Hard to tell from images. 🚀🚀🚀🚀
— McGuire Wood 🔜 Lost Lands 2022 (@Jioriku) August 3, 2022
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