率先走進 Acne Studios 最新巴黎旗艦店

由 ARQUITECTURA-G 建築事務所操刀設計。

Fashion 時裝

瑞典品牌 Acne Studios 今番正式登陸巴黎著名街道,在聖奧諾雷路開設旗艦店,概念發想自創意總監 Jonny Johansson 對斯德哥爾摩滑板公園的回憶,並交由巴賽隆納建築事務所 ARQUITECTURA-G 操刀設計。

“Lately, I’ve been hanging out at the Rålis skate park in Stockholm, which was built under a
bridge to prevent the concrete skate bowls from getting wet and slippery. I find it a poetic spot,
and it reminds me a little of Paris because there are so many bridges in the city.

I wanted the store to feel like you were sitting under a bridge. I like the idea of a secret society, a sub-culture, existing under the arches – and I thought it was a good way to think of Acne Studios as a brand on the big fashion street.”

Jonny Johansson 表示座落在橋下的滑板公園,令他聯想到巴黎街景,他非常喜歡這種隱藏在幕簾後的秘密、亞文化的感覺,特以此為目標,在全新店鋪內外大量運用法國常見建材聖馬克西姆石灰石詮釋,最後分別攜手 Benoit Lalloz、Max Lamb 打造波浪狀照明和柔軟的家具,包括特殊皺褶的黑色皮質沙發和手工染色的展示檯,位於法國巴黎的讀者們不妨找機會前往朝聖。

Acne Studios
219 Rue St Honoré
75001 Paris


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Acne Studios(@acnestudios)分享的貼文

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