Eminem 攜手 Snoop Dogg 為《Bored Ape Yacht Club》NFT 打造單曲《From The D 2 The LBC》
更為 ApeFest 2022 實體活動到場獻唱。
Eminem 與 Snoop Dogg 為今年超級盃中場秀重磅聯手後,這對組合今番再度為知名 NFT《Bored Ape Yacht Club》合作打造單曲《From The D 2 The LBC》。
《From The D 2 The LBC》單曲在《Bored Ape Yacht Club》實體活動 ApeFest 2022 上首播,Eminem 與 Snoop Dogg 還親自到現場為在場觀眾獻上這一份驚喜,接著該歌曲正式在 Youtube 與各大串流平台發佈。《From The D 2 The LBC》MV 除了 Eminem 與 Snoop Dogg 與共同現身外,影片中還穿插許多 2D 動畫片段,同時他們兩也不時化身為各自的《Bored Ape Yacht Club》形象,特別是 Snoop Dogg 抽著大麻以及 Eminem 戴軍帽的猿猴,十分具象徵性。
為了慶祝合作單曲的發佈,《Bored Ape Yacht Club》同時宣佈將帶來一系列周邊商品,有興趣的讀者不妨多加留意相關消息。
Yep, that just happened. Celebrating the new track @SnoopDogg and @Eminem just dropped at ApeFest with a merch quickie starting at noon ET tomorrow. 48 hours only, @apecoin only, with one MAYC/BAYC-only item AND one available to all. Check back here for the link tomorrow pic.twitter.com/HgxvkcWwJV
— Bored Ape Yacht Club (@BoredApeYC) June 24, 2022
What the actual fuck? @SnoopDogg @Eminem @BoredApeYC #apefest pic.twitter.com/1KDZ5rxHGc
— Leonardo Viti (@leovitiart) June 24, 2022
WORLD PREMIERE: Snoop & Eminem show their new song featuring at ApeFest @BoredApeYC @SnoopDogg pic.twitter.com/8lLVY9mRng
— cr0ss.eth @ NFT NYC (@cr0ssETH) June 24, 2022
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