Ye 發佈影片邀請 Drake 同台演出,多年戰火終於平息?

剛於 8 月再度點燃長年戰火的 Ye(更名後的 Kanye West)和 Drake,繼上回利用新曲及社群媒體互相攻訐後,今番竟迎來 Ye 的和好宣言「It’s time to put it to rest.」。
在嘻哈唱片公司 Rap-A-Lot 創辦人 J. Prince 最近上傳的一段視頻中,Ye 在德克薩斯州休斯頓的 Rothko 教堂與他會面,兩人並肩站在一起,除了回顧過去與 Drake 的不和,亦釋出「休戰」訊息。J. Prince 在內文寫到他們如何不期而遇,並補充道:「生命中總會有個時候我們都應該接受『運動思維』——一個從人開始、以同理心為中心的思考模式,而不是拘泥在當下的想法,那會讓我們陷入混亂、報復、殺戮和黑暗事物的循環中,將你帶到一個比奴隸制更糟糕的地方。運動思想家夢想著更美好的明天、更大的圖景、長遠的選擇。他們不會讓恐懼和驕傲阻礙成長,總是在各種情況下尋找正確的方向,這就是領導者與追隨者的區別。」
另外,可以聽到 Ye 於影片中閱讀一份聲明,似乎是在向 Drake 伸出和平的橄欖枝,並邀請他在 12 月 7 日於洛杉磯的活動上一起演出,有興趣的讀者不妨查看下方完整聲明。
“I’m making this video to address the ongoing back and forth between myself and Drake. Both me and Drake have taken shots at each other and it’s time to put it to rest. I’m asking Drake on December 7 to join me on stage as a special guest to share the two biggest albums of the year live in Los Angeles with the ultimate purpose being to free Larry Hoover. I believe this event will not only bring awareness to our cause, but prove to people – everywhere – how much more we can accomplish when we lay our pride to the side and come together.”
I met with @kanyewest night in Htown at the Rothko Chapel. It wasn’t in my plans to meet him there but I must say I’m glad I didn’t allow a worship place for God to detour our meeting.
— J Prince (@jprincerespect) November 8, 2021
They don’t allow fear and pride to stunt their growth, and they’re always looking for the good in every situation and that’s where the leaders are separated from the followers.
— J Prince (@jprincerespect) November 8, 2021
I’m looking forward to all of us working together in unison to elevate our communities around the world.
— J Prince (@jprincerespect) November 8, 2021
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