Apple 執行長 Tim Cook 致信員工談及 George Floyd


Tech & Gadgets 科技與電子產品

美國黑人男子 George Floyd 被警員制服期間以膝壓頸窒息致死,再一次引發美國群眾不滿,紛紛走到街上示威表態譴責種族主義。各路品牌,名人明星都紛紛站出來表達訴求,更連不在美國本土的人士也「冒出來」,參與這一個應該一早解決的問題。而在日前,Apple 執行長 Tim Cook 便致信予全體員工,內容便提及到關於 George Floyd 之死。

信件內容也頗為細長,Tim Cook 首先談到種族主義的悠久歷史,以及黑人及有色族裔在日常生活中的困難,因此接下來 Apple 將向非營利組織平等司法倡議(Equal Justice Initiative)的幾個相關團體捐款,亦會為身處黑人社區的員工提供免費的心理健康資源和公司的員工援助計劃。而信中 Tim Cook 亦引用 Martin Luther King 的話「Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.」即是說每個社會都有其現狀的保護者,又或是為着革命而臭名昭著,但今天我們的生存取決於我們保持清醒,適應新觀念,保持警惕和面對變化挑戰的能力。有興趣的可詳看信件的完整內容:


Right now, there is a pain deeply etched in the soul of our nation and in the hearts of millions. To stand together, we must stand up for one another, and recognize the fear, hurt, and outrage rightly provoked by the senseless killing of George Floyd and a much longer history of racism.

That painful past is still present today — not only in the form of violence, but in the everyday experience of deeply rooted discrimination. We see it in our criminal justice system, in the disproportionate toll of disease on Black and Brown communities, in the inequalities in neighborhood services and the educations our children receive. While our laws have changed, the reality is that their protections are still not universally applied.

We’ve seen progress since the America I grew up in, but it is similarly true that communities of color continue to endure discrimination and trauma.

I have heard from so many of you that you feel afraid — afraid in your communities, afraid in your daily lives, and, most cruelly of all, afraid in your own skin. We can have no society worth celebrating unless we can guarantee freedom from fear for every person who gives this country their love, labor and life.

At Apple, our mission has and always will be to create technology that empowers people to change the world for the better. We’ve always drawn strength from our diversity, welcomed people from every walk of life to our stores around the world, and strived to build an Apple that is inclusive of everyone.

But together, we must do more. Today, Apple is making donations to a number of groups, including the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit committed to challenging racial injustice, ending mass incarceration, and protecting the human rights of the most vulnerable people in American society. For the month of June, and in honor of the Juneteenth holiday, we’ll also be matching two-for-one all employee donations via Benevity.

To create change, we have to reexamine our own views and actions in light of a pain that is deeply felt but too often ignored. Issues of human dignity will not abide standing on the sidelines. To our colleagues in the Black community — we see you. You matter, your lives matter, and you are valued here at Apple.

For all of our colleagues hurting right now, please know that you are not alone, and that we have resources to support you. It’s more important than ever to talk to one another, and to find healing in our common humanity. We also have free resources that can help, including our Employee Assistance Program and mental health resources you can learn about on the People site.

This is a moment when many people may want nothing more than a return to normalcy, or to a status quo that is only comfortable if we avert our gaze from injustice. As difficult as it may be to admit, that desire is itself a sign of privilege. George Floyd’s death is shocking and tragic proof that we must aim far higher than a “normal” future, and build one that lives up to the highest ideals of equality and justice.

In the words of Martin Luther King, “Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.“

With every breath we take, we must commit to being that change, and to creating a better, more just world for everyone.



  1. PlayStation 4、Switch、PC 與手機等平台遊戲六月情報集結
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