先睹為快?!《Spider Man : Far From Home》據悉將迎來兩段結尾驚喜

說時遲那時快,《Spider Man : Far From Home》將於 6 月 28 日在香港上映,作為 MCU 第三階段的最終部,大家都熱烈期待着故事將如何延續《Avengers: Endgame》,以及將怎樣衍生出第四階段。而最近已有一些記者及影評家已搶先觀看,並透露《Spider Man : Far From Home》將迎來兩段結尾驚喜。
“The mid-credit scene starts off in a dark room, with chilling and villainous music. A defeated and sad looking Mysterio looks out the window from a skyscraper at night time. The view of the shot is within the building looking outwards, so you can’t see the building itself.
A voice is heard in the background (which sounds Russian), which says something like “He beat us once, but soon he is going to pay”. Mysterio turns around and the voice is revealed to be from the Chameleon in his costume. Mysterio then says “Dimitri, thanks for having my back out there”. Chameleon replies with “don’t worry, there are more of us”. Right then, the music gets darker while the Vulture (similar outfit as homecoming with a few modifications), Scorpion (Outfit similar to comics but few differences), Shocker (Different outfit than homecoming, it looks like the red and yellow suit from comics), and a man in a business suit walk in from another room.
The businessman gathers the villains together and says “I have a proposal”. The camera pans out to the outside of the building, which is the old Stark/Avengers tower which has the name “OSCORP” in large green font, at the same spot the Stark logo was, and shows it for a few seconds. The scene ends here. It was about 45 seconds but I have only seen the whole clip twice. I couldn’t tell if the businessman was Norman Osborn, or if he was simply an assistant, and I didn’t know the actor playing him.”
以上是一名 Reddit 用戶所分享,他表示場景將由一個黑暗的房間裡開始,並伴隨着令人心寒和邪惡的音樂,然後將看到 Mysterio 在夜間看着窗外的摩天大樓。由於鏡頭是從建築物內向外看,所以看不到建築本身。接着背景出現一把聲音,並說道「他曾經贏過我們一次,但很快就要付出代價。」Mysterio 說着「Dimitri 多謝你讓我回到這裡。」,繼而得到回覆「不要擔心,我們還有着更多成員。」這時候音樂變得更暗,Vulture,Scorpion,Shocker 及一位穿着西裝的男人從另一個房間走進去。
而這位商人並說他有一個提議,鏡頭在向建築物的外面移動,顯示以往 Avengers Tower 的舊址,但上面已經寫着「OSCORP」,但到底這位商人是 Norman Osborn 還是他的助手則未能確認。但如此來說,Marvel Studios 應該是想將 Sinister Six 組合端上大銀幕,並將成為第四階段的章節。有關更進一步資訊各位請繼續留意着我們 HYPEBEAST 的跟進報導。
同時各位亦可留意更多資訊如美國聯合航空聯手《Spider Man : Far From Home》追加旅行用品,以及 Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 確認《Avengers:Endgame》將再度於戲院上映,都可點擊閱看。