
上月份,萬眾期待的怪獸電影《哥斯拉:怪獸之王》迎來了最終版預告,Warner Bros. Pictures 隨後也釋出了全新的電影海報,相信這一部史詩級怪獸電影會是繼《Avengers:Endgame》、《Detective Pikachu》之後,許多人相當期待的作品。Godzilla 電影於 2014 年重新歸來,不過當時的評價卻不是太理想,不少人指出怪獸出場的畫面比想像中少,而不久前網路上更是預測續集《哥斯拉:怪獸之王》上映後的票房可能不會太過驚豔。
Twitter 上還有許多網民們對於此怪獸電影的評價,各位不妨於以下觀看。而假如電影正如試映評價所說的精彩,相信到時的票房肯定會比預期的好上許多 。《哥斯拉:怪獸之王》會在 5 月 29 日登陸台灣,並於 5 月 30 日接續登陸香港,想一覽 Godzilla、King Ghidorah(王者基多拉)、Mothra(摩斯拉)與 Rodan(拉頓)等巨獸亂鬥的朋友,切勿錯過。另外各位亦可留意《Avengers: Endgame》編劇透露角色存活與否之標準。
As someone who is not by any means a Godzilla expert (this will be remedied, I swear!) I was lucky enough to see #GodzillaKingoftheMonsters in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago! If you’re looking for some Kaiju-on-Kaiju action, you won’t be disappointed.
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 2019年5月11日
#GodzillaKingOfTheMonsters ups the monster action considerably. The battle scenes are gorgeous & fierce & feel ripped from the pages of a gnarly graphic novel. You want a giant-monster movie throwdown, this is it and then some. Can’t wait for that Godzilla vs Kong movie now pic.twitter.com/3RnAOSc00V
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) 2019年5月11日
#GodzillaMovie is the film I’ve waited years for. The thrilling sequel captures the spirit of Japan’s famous kaiju while setting up his reign for years to come. There are few words which describe the film as well as momentous, and its epic scale will leave audiences of astounded.
— Megan Peters (@meganpeterscb) 2019年5月11日
Am now free to say #GodzillaMovie King of the Monsters is handily the craziest, most entertaining American kaiju movie in existence. But that doesn’t do justice to just how wild a ride this is, jumping from the majesty of the monsters to the wackiness of the humans…
— David Crow (@DCrowsNest) 2019年5月11日
Had real issues with #godzilla (2014). The movie was called Godzilla but he was barely in it. Thankfully @Mike_Dougherty‘s #GodzillaKingOfTheMonsters is awesome. It’s everything I wanted last movie to b but wasn’t. If u want to see Godzilla fighting other monsters u will b happy. pic.twitter.com/ksswtSey6O
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 2019年5月11日
#GodzillaKingOfTheMonsters is the modern day Godzilla movie you’ve been waiting for. It’s everything the 2014 Godzilla isn’t, while still retaining the best elements of that film and elevating them x 100. Monstrous action that rattles the theater. So damn good. @GodzillaMovie pic.twitter.com/claFZH3oq1
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) 2019年5月10日