Apple 宣佈期待已久的無線充電器 AirPower 正式胎死腹中
由 Apple 官方宣佈 AirPower 計劃正式被取消。

Apple 在上週終於發佈了搭載無線充電的第二代 AirPods 耳機,正當大家以為 AirPower 也隨之而來臨之時,Apple 的硬件工程部資深副總裁 Dan Riccio 在不久之前就確認 AirPower 開發計畫已被正式叫停:
“After much effort, we’ve concluded AirPower will not achieve our high standards and we have canceled the project. We apologize to those customers who were looking forward to this launch. We continue to believe that the future is wireless and are committed to push the wireless experience forward.”
根據他所說,因為 AirPower 開發到目前為止還未達到 Apple 的高標準,所以暫停了計劃,不過仍然會致力推動無線體驗的發展,同時又向期待已久的消費者致歉。其實以往就曾經多次傳出 Apple 與 Qi 團隊到目前仍未能解決同時為多台裝置同時充電時所產生過熱的問題,或許取消開發的決定與這個原因有關也未定。
Always worth reading @gruber’s show recaps. The AirPower situation is real – heat is a problem and it was shown off too early. Sometimes Apple does this and eng rises to the challenge and delivers. Sometimes, physics.
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) 2018年9月16日
now that airpower is canceled, it's interesting to look back at the announcement. here's @pschiller explaining, in 2017, how it can charge your iphone 8/x, watch series 3, and airpods with *optional* wireless case (which only launched last week)
— airpower smith (@redletterdave) 2019年3月29日