MCU 冷知識-導演親證當年《Iron Man》片尾彩蛋只是個無心插柳的玩笑

2008 年上映的《Iron Man》是 Marvel Studio 首部超級英雄電影,亦是 Marvel Studio 數以十億電影市場的開端,雖然角色故事有所不同,但在這十年間的 18 部 MCU 電影均有一個不變的傳統:片尾彩蛋。臨近《Avenger’s Infinity War》快將上映,《Iron Man》的導演 Jon Favreau 在接受 Entertainment Weekly 的訪問時就透露,原來當年《Iron Man》Nick Fury 現身 Stony Stark 家中的片尾彩蛋只是導演覺得有趣而特別加上去,當時只是為了滿足一眾漫畫迷,這一段甚至沒有出現在電影劇本之上,誰不知就開創了這個經典傳統,甚至為 Samuel L. Jackson 取得這個角色(不過 Nick Fury 在《Ultimate Marvel》的確是以 Samuel L. Jackson 作原型參考),以下為訪問節錄:
That was a bit of a lark. I wanted to include Easter eggs that the fans would appreciate and we thought the idea of a post-credit scene it could be fun. It was something that wasn’t really in the script originally. But I thought the idea of Nick Fury being Sam Jackson would be really fun, because when Nick Fury was reimagined in The Ultimates (comic book) they recast him as Sam Jackson, and I thought that that would be a really good nod to the audience.