跟隨漫畫路向?Sebastian Stan 有意取代 Chris Evans 成為下一任 Captain America

根據 MCU 定下的發展方向,在兩輯即將上映的《Avengers》電影完結後,整個故事軸將會近來巨大的改變,因此不少人認為像是 Iron Man、Captain America 等合約到期的演員將會面臨死亡的結局。早於《Captain America: The Winter Soldier》中,Winter Soldier(Bucky Barnes)一直被認為是 Marvel 鋪路成為下任 Captain America,事關在漫畫《The Death of Captain America》中,Bucky Barnes 就曾成為過第二任 Captain America,所以漫畫迷一直深信電影亦會這樣發展。而演員 Sebastian Stan 自己亦在一則訪問中作出以下表示:
I mean, yeah I would love that one day, absolutely. I don’t know when that day would be, and I just think…it would be a very different Captain America you know, you wouldn’t be able to have the same Captain America as you have right now because he’s a different guy. Again, there’s this issue where we’ve got to get him to be trustworthy enough for them to give him that responsibility, you know, to fill those shoes, and those are hard shoes to fill. So I think it’s possible, I really do, but it just has to make sense and we might need a little more time.
Sebastian Stan 表示若然有機會接手 Chris Evans 成為下一任 Captain America,一定會帶來一個不同的 Captain America,但同時認為這將會是很艱鉅的任勉,不過即使「交接」屬實,也一定要附合情理,所以需要一點時間去鋪排。雖然 Chris Even 的隊長合約結束了,但似乎他還未拿定主意是否要繼續演下去,大家能從 Sebastian Stan 的表態參透什麼玄機嗎?另一方面,《Black Panther》男主角 Chadwick Boseman 亦以超級英雄電影背景歷史性登上《TIME》雜誌封面。