Nintendo 公佈人氣大作《Super Smash Bros. Ultimate》全角色

超過 70 個初登場角色全公開。

Entertainment 娛樂

Nintendo 的人氣作品《Super Smash Bros》宣佈移植至 Nintendo Switch 以來就讓無數人引頸以待,Switch 版的《Super Smash Bros. Ultimate》歷代系列的遊戲角色全部都置入,還再度加入 8 人混戰模式,絕對是今年年尾的重磅大作。而隨着推出日期 12 月 7 日逐部逼近,Nintendo 方面也公佈了超過 70 個角色,當中約 60 個角色可是從舊作中移植至新作,例如是 Pit 跟 Dark Pit,此系列的支持者相信絕不陌生,另外亦加入了超過 10 個新角色,而預期遊戲在 12 月 7 日推出後不久也會迎來新角色以供下載。以下是 Nintendo 方面公佈的角色:

1. Mario – “Donkey Kong”
2. Donkey Kong – “Donkey Kong”
3. Link – “The Legend of Zelda”
4. Samus – “Metroid”
5. Yoshi – “Super Mario World”
6. Kirby – “Kirby’s Dream Land”
7. Fox McCloud – “Star Fox”
8. Pikachu – “Pokémon Red and Blue”
9. Luigi – “Mario Bros.”
10. Ness – “Earthbound”
11. Captain Falcon – “F-Zero”
12. Jigglypuff – “Pokémon Red and Blue”
13. Peach – “Super Mario Bros.”
14. Bowser – “Mario Bros.”
15. Ice Climbers – “Ice Climber”
16. Sheik – “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”
17. Princess Zelda – “The Legend of Zelda”
18. Dr. Mario – “Dr. Mario”
19. Pichu – “Pokémon Gold and Silver”
20. Falco Lombardi – “Star Fox”
21. Marth – “Fire Emblem”
22. Young Link – “The Legend of Zelda”
23. Ganondorf – “The Legend of Zelda”
24. Mewtwo – “Pokémon: Red & Blue”
25. Roy – “Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade”
26. Mr Game & Watch – “Ball”
27. Metaknight – “Kirby’s Adventure”
28. Pit – “Kid Icarus”
29. Zero Suit Samus – “Metroid: Zero Mission”
30. Wario – “Super Mario Land 2” (1992)
31. Solid Snake – “Metal Gear” (1987)
32. Ike – “Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance” (2005)
33. Pokemon Trainer with Ivysaur – “Pokémon: Red & Blue”
34. Pokemon Trainer with Squirtle – “Pokémon: Red & Blue”
35. Pokemon Trainer with Charizard – “Pokémon: Red & Blue”
36. Diddy Kong – “Donkey Kong Country”
37. Lucas – “Mother 3”
38. Sonic – “Sonic the Hedgehog”
39. King Dedede – “Kirby’s Dream Land”
40. Olimar – “Pikmin”
41. Lucario – “Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl”
42. R.O.B (Robotic Operating Buddy) – “Stack-Up”
43. Toon Link – “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker”
44. Wolf O’Donnell – “Star Fox 64”
45. Villager – “Animal Crossing”
46. Mega Man – “Mega Man”
47. Wii Fit Trainer – “Wii Fit”
48. Rosalina & Luma – “Super Mario Galaxy”
49. Little Mac – “Mike Tyson’s PunchOut!!”
50. Greninja – “Pokémon X and Y”
51. 52, 53. Mii Gunner – “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS” (2014)
52. Mii Fighter – “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS”
53. Mii Swordsman – “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS”
54. Palutena – “Kid Icarus”
55. Pac-Man – “Pac-Man”
56. Robin – “Fire Emblem: Awakening”
57. Shulk – “Xenoblade Chronicles”
58. Bowser Jr. – “Super Mario Sunshine”
59. Duck Hunt – “Duck Hunt”
60. Lucina – “Fire Emblem Awakening”
61. Dark Pit – “Kid Icarus Uprising”
62. Ryu – “Street Fighter”
63. Cloud Strife – “Final Fantasy VII”
64. Corrin – Fire Emblem Fates”
65. Bayonetta – “Bayonetta”
66. Inkling – “Splatoon”
67. Princess Daisy – “Super Mario Land”
68. Dark Samus – “Metroid Prime 2: Echoes”
69. Chrom – “Fire Emblem Awakening”
70. Ridley – “Metroid”
71. Simon Belmont – “Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest”
72. Simon Belmont – “Rondo of Blood”
73. King K. Rool – “Donkey Kong Country”
74. Isabelle – “Animal Crossing: New Leaf”
75. Ken – “Street Fighter”
76. Incineroar – “Pokémon : Sun and Moon”
77. Piranha Plant – “Super Mario Bros.”

另外,最近 Blizzard 也公佈將推出重製版《Warcraft 3: Reforged 》,帶興趣可點擊查看。



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