Larry Clark 銀幕經典《Kids》釋出前所未見幕後劇照

《Kids》服裝設計師曝出 Supreme「秘聞」。

Culture 文化

Supreme 與 Kids 的聯名系列讓 Larry Clark 所導演的銀幕經典在 20 年後彷彿重生一般,其獲得的超高關注度絲毫不亞於影片在 1995 年首映之時。近日,DAZED Digital 又對話《Kids》服裝設計師 Kim Druce-Sava,且一併釋出多幅罕見幕後照片。包括 Chloë Sevigny、Rosario Dawson、Leo Fitzpatrick、Justin Pierce 等主演、以及 Harold Hunter、Jeff Pang 在內的傳奇滑手的珍貴影像讓我們瞬時間穿越會 1994 年的 Washington Square、Lafayette Street。採訪中,Kim 還曝出影片中演員的很多服飾是由 Supreme 贊助,感興趣的朋友可以瀏覽以下訪談內容,並閱讀 HYPEBEAST 專題內容《KIDS》 二十載:流行文化鏡頭下並存的經典與爭議。

On dressing the cast:

“It was anti-fashion. It had very little to do with what you would find at Macy’s. It was utilitarian, it was thrifted. There are teens and twenty-somethings who live in downtown Manhattan and don’t have any money, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have style.”

On Chloë Sevigny’s signature blue shirt:

“That blue t-shirt was Chloë’s, she brought it in. That was the one piece I couldn’t get multiples of so I just babysat it all the time, it was very precious! Chloë was a sweetheart, and Rosario too, they were just lovely and so professional – even though it was their first film they did everything right. Tracy – who did the hair and make-up – and I were the mature girls so we took them under our wings.”

On Supreme lending clothes for the film:

“I got some promos, they hooked me up! They were already in that scene so I just had to get to the store and they gave me a bunch of stuff.”

On filming impromptu scenes at her apartment in New York:

“With the cast, I got their phone numbers so I could call to get their sizes and talk about the character and the clothing. But every time a new cast member joined, the phone number that they would give me was my phone number! It turned out they were all crashing at my studio. It was cute, it was really cute! I was glad I could help, because they were all my babies! I was old enough that they could have been mine!”



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