Lalique x Damien Hirst「Eternal」系列

廣受爭議的藝術家 Damien Hirst 繼推出著名雕塑作品「Anatomy of an Ange」後,與法國水晶玻璃製造商 Lalique 合作向我們介紹「Eternal」系列。「Hirst 和

Art 藝文

廣受爭議的藝術家 Damien Hirst 繼推出著名雕塑作品「Anatomy of an Ange」後,與法國水晶玻璃製造商 Lalique 合作向我們介紹「Eternal」系列。「Hirst 和 René Lalique 一起分享蝴蝶神奇卻矛盾的美麗,一個短暫和永恆的結合體。」這個集合具有三個不同的系列 – 愛,希望與美麗 – 12種不同的顏色的水晶蝴。限量製作 50 款,每種顏色都帶有簽名與編號。「Eterna」系列目前可以在 Other Criteria 購買每款價格為 £12,000 英鎊至 £20,000 英鎊。Hirst 像我們說道:

I’ve always loved crystal and it’s both beautiful and difficult to work with, so I’m really excited about the project. It’s amazing being able to use all the expert craftsmanship and incredible history of Lalique for something new, and the results are beyond all my expectations. I love that the panels have an almost religious feel, they make you think of stained glass windows which I’ve always adored, it’s the way they manage to capture colour and light so completely and then throw it back out at you… I see butterflies as souls and part of a wider visual language. I’ve always described them as universal triggers; everyone loves them because of their incredible abstract fragility and beauty. I’ve always loved that they look identical in life and in death, but when the light shines through these panels, it feels like they’re brought back to life in some way.



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Supreme 2025 春夏系列中出現了哪些藝術家?

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Tech & Gadgets 科技與電子產品

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fragment design x NikeLab Roshe Cortez「Obsidian」聯名鞋款

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Tech & Gadgets 科技與電子產品

Facebook 極有可能推出線上音樂流服務

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