Tom Cruise 主演《不可能的任務:致命清算 第一章》首波影評正式解禁

Tom Cruise 主演《Mission Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One》(不可能的任務/職業特工隊:致命清算 第一章)上映倒數三週,很快今回就正式迎來首波影評的解禁。
The Globe and Mail 的編輯 Barry Hertz 認為這部電影表示直逼 2018 年的《不可能的任務:全面瓦解》,Gizmodo 資深記者 Germain Lussier 也指出本作有著系列前 3 名的水準。
IndieWire 執行編輯 Kate Erbland 則指出:「在近期分為上下集的電影中,這是表現最好的。」Fandango 與 Rotten Tomatoes 筆者 Erik Davis 的看法亦然,「我喜歡它既完整又讓人期待下集的感覺。」
《不可能的任務:致命清算 第一章》將在 7 月 11 日登陸台灣地區上映,香港地區則稍遲為 7 月 13 日,有興趣的讀者屆時不妨撥空前往戲院觀賞。
#MissionImpossible DEAD RECKONING PART 1: Tom Cruise hates streaming so much he’s made an algorithm the villain. And bless his crazy ass, b/c this is a behemoth-sized spectacle, one go-for-broke set-piece after the next, close to FALLOUT excellence. Henry Czerny fans will go nuts
— Barry Hertz (@HertzBarry) June 19, 2023
#MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning this phenomenal! Hayley Atwell STEALS ever scene she’s in. This is now my favorite #missionimpossible film. With the AI being the villain, this feels like a cautionary tale. The action had my heart rate elevated. That train scene is mind blowing!
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@joedeckelmeier) June 19, 2023
#MissionImpossible – Dead Reckoning Part 1 is fantastic.
Dynamite, timely story. Excellent new characters. Huge variety of action and a final set piece that ranks top 2-3 all-time for the franchise.
It gets a little dense at times but its pace & intensity more than cover that.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) June 19, 2023
After the insanity of the last few films, #MissionImpossible7 has a tremendous amount to live up to, but one thing I’ll say now in quick reaction format: it does the best job yet of recent “part 1 of 2!!” features in feeling like its own film while setting up for the next half.
— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) June 19, 2023
I had the absolute best time watching #MissionImpossible – an impeccably made action film that does not stop entertaining. Each action sequence is long, crazy & intense. The story is big & sprawling, but I like how it both felt complete & left you dying for what comes next
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) June 19, 2023
#MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning is incredible. The fastest 2 hr 30 min movie I’ve seen in a long time. One of the best films I’ve seen this year and @TomCruise has done it again. Demands to be seen on the biggest screen. Cannot recommend this movie enough.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) June 19, 2023
There’s a car chase scene in #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning that brought me so much joy, it reinvigorated my love for the summer blockbuster. The craftsmanship of this franchise is unmatched. The final train sequence is a whopper too – I caught myself leaning IN from my seat.
— Nigel Smith (@nigelmfs) June 19, 2023
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – DEAD RECKONING PART ONE works as Christopher McQuarrie’s ambitious examination of/meditation on AI and the dangerous path we might be on. (He doesn’t like it) With the inherent nature of being “part one” (said that a lot lately), not as satisfying as FALLOUT
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) June 19, 2023
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