3.PARADIS 正式發佈 2023 春夏系列大秀

加拿大時裝品牌 3.PARADIS 近日正式登陸巴黎時裝周發表 2023 春夏系列作為旗下女裝首次亮相,結合詩詞深入探討「Freedom」、「Hope」、「Unity」三項啟發靈感的基礎。
在主理人 Emeric Tchatchoua 的領導下,這回再沿用象徵性白鴿標誌,並利用其形狀拼接成鏤空的透膚面料、互相堆疊達到皮草般的效果、轉化為印花等不同手法加以詮釋,搭配不同深淺的丹寧材質、皮革、緞面布料製作,最後注入天空藍、薰衣草紫等色調呈現超現實設計風格,藉由服裝打造屬於 3.PARADIS 心目中的天堂。
此外,為充分表達本季度所要傳達的訊息,3.PARADIS 亦特別發佈以下詩詞,有興趣的讀者不妨下滑了解更多,或瀏覽上方圖輯檢視細節。
A bird would talk with anyone kind enough to listen
its knowledge of the free world at once would glisten
as if the sun that shines and gives lovers light
in our world where children laugh from miracle’s might
the bird would chirp and dancers sway,
rejoice! gather! and unite, here and now!
with so much to celebrate, make, and create, the bird would say:
people play, have fun, and pioneer peace today
there isn’t yet another way, please understand this from May to May
hope like a wishing child, and see PARADIS appear each and every day.
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