本月上線!影評稱《House of the Dragon》超越《冰與火之歌》與《絕命毒師》

HBO 人氣影集《Game of Thrones》(冰與火之歌:權力遊戲)前傳故事《House of the Dragon》繼七月底公開正式預告之後,本劇將在本月隆重登場,而國外率先舉辦試播集的首映活動,不少正面評價隨之出爐,甚至有影評稱超越《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲 Game of Thrones》與《絕命毒師 Breaking Bad》。
Collider 主編 Steven Weintraub:「我不喜歡《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》最後一季,但我必須承認《House of the Dragon》在試播集上的表現非常好,我會想繼續看下去。」Indiewire 則稱本劇更勝《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》與《絕命毒師》;The Wrap 的 Brandon Katz 則表示本劇非常清楚地解釋《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》的相關背景設定,並介紹及展示劇中主要角色與重要衝突核心,這是一場讓人容易理解的首映活動,具有鮮明的色彩及細節架構;就目前來看,是部相當成功的衍生作品。」
本劇將在 8 月 21 日正式登陸 HBO Max,有興趣的讀者們敬請留意。
I did not like the last season of #GameofThrones. At all. But I’ll admit the series premiere of #HouseOfTheDragonHBO is really well done and I’ll definitely continue watching. After the episode ended they showed an extended preview of the season and looks cool. pic.twitter.com/wzuIMkZWe0
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 28, 2022
#HouseoftheDragon REVIEW: FIRE WILL REIGN! Wow. Violent! Shocking! EPIC. Better than GoT & Breaking Bad. HBO does it again. This isn’t just another fantasy show, it’s the BEST series ever made! Great action & music too. A fitting end setting up what’s next. #HotD #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/NfcEInpSHI
— watching as intended (@theatomchode) July 30, 2022
For those curious about the series, without spoilers, I can say that the thing I really dig is the fact that it still feels epic in scale and scope while telling a personal and intimate story about one family, showcasing both their love and dysfunction
— Christina Radish (@ChristinaRadish) July 28, 2022
The #HouseOfTheDragonHBO pilot very efficiently explains its context in relation to GoT, introduces its core characters, and lays out the central conflict of the series. It’s an easy to follow premiere with vibrant colors and detailed texture. Absolutely a worthy successor so far pic.twitter.com/3lARILHfuv
— Brandon Katz (@Great_Katzby) July 28, 2022
I didn’t know how much I missed the #GameofThrones theme song until I heard it tonight at the #HouseoftheDragon premiere! That first episode is fantastic! Can’t wait to see what’s next. Fingers crossed it’s no repeat of the final season of GoT. @BlackGirlNerds #hbo #HBOMax pic.twitter.com/8EZYC8iLY8
— Cat Combs (@ccfilmcritic) July 28, 2022
I think the first episode of HOTD will easily rope curious fans back in after the rocky finish of GOT. I think they’ve earned a season of fans’ continued loyalty, if they deliver on the promise of the 1st episode I saw for the whole of this season, watch out, cause ASOIAF’s back!
— Bald Move (@BaldMove) July 28, 2022
WOW guys just WOW
I’ll have more later but first take-away: this show is a HEAVYWEIGHT. It already feels.. more serious. They’ve really nailed it. Just wow #HouseoftheDragon pic.twitter.com/YfR9TbHeRq
— 🜏 The Dragon LmL 🜏 (@thedragonLML) July 28, 2022
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