《食神》、《無間道 II》等經典電影的取景地。

珍寶海鮮舫於 1976 年開業,面積約 45,000 平方英呎,可容納 2,300 位賓客,因此有「世界上最大的海上食府」之稱。除了在全盛時期受伊莉莎白二世與 Tom Cruise 等知名人士造訪外,也是《無間道 II》、《食神》與《威龍猛探》等經典電影的取景地。珍寶海鮮舫自 2013 年起持續處於虧損狀態,在 2020 年受疫情衝擊之下決定暫停營業。今年 6 月 14 日啟航離開香港要前往東南亞修繕時,18 日卻遭風浪襲擊,最終在 19 日沉沒於南海。
Hong Kong’s Jumbo Restaurant has sunk in the South China Sea.
— Timothy McLaughlin (@TMclaughlin3) June 20, 2022
Hong Kong’s iconic Jumbo Floating Restaurant has capsized in the South China Sea less than a week after it was towed away from the city via @citylab
— Bloomberg (@business) June 21, 2022
Jumbo Floating Seafood Restaurant may be moved out of #HongKong tomorrow, after its owner decided to stop its operations and not to renew its shipping license weeks ago. Its kitchen barge has already sank into the sea last week, symbolizing the death of #HongKong‘s good old days.
— HongKonger (@hongkongersin) June 13, 2022
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