「相信交易會順利完成」Twitter CEO 回應 Elon Musk 擱置收購計畫

在 Elon Musk 宣佈擱置 Twitter 收購計劃後,該公司首席執行長 Parag Agrawa 對外發表聲明,表示他相信這筆交易將會順利進行,但為以防萬一仍得為所有情況做好準備。
Elon Musk 於週五表示在他核實 Twitter 假賬號與垃圾帳號的一些相關數據之前(假賬號數量是否佔平台用戶群的 5%),將暫時擱置收購 Twitter 的計劃。消息一出隨即導致該公司股價暴跌 20%,市值減少將近 130 億美元。
此外,Twitter 亦在早些時候解僱消費品總經理 Kayvon Beykpour 和收益總經理 Bruce Falck 等兩位高階管理人員,同時暫停對外招娉。對於為何要在收購之際作出如此決策,首席執行長 Parag Agrawa 解釋道:「雖然我預計交易會完成,但我們需要為所有情況做好準備,並為 Twitter 做正確的事情(減少開支)。我們的行業正處於一個充滿挑戰的環境之中,我不會以此次交易作為藉口,進而逃避為公司經營作出重要決定。Twitter 的任何領導人都不會這麼做。」
While I expect the deal to close, we need to be prepared for all scenarios and always do what’s right for Twitter. I’m accountable for leading and operating Twitter, and our job is to build a stronger Twitter every day.
— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) May 13, 2022
People have also asked: why manage costs now vs after close? Our industry is in a very challenging macro environment – right now. I won’t use the deal as an excuse to avoid making important decisions for the health of the company, nor will any leader at Twitter.
— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) May 13, 2022
I will also try to bring more transparency to the work that we do. You won’t see tweets from me on the ‘topic of the day’ or the loudest sound bite, but rather on the ongoing, continuous, and challenging work our teams are doing to improve the public conversation on Twitter.
— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) May 13, 2022
Because I mentioned the deal in this thread, he’re the obligatory legalese for your reading pleasure https://t.co/Zf5Q84j6AT
— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) May 13, 2022
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