率先走進 Sabine Marcelis 於 Vitra 設計博物館裝置展覽《Colour Rush》

將色彩作為關鍵,重新詮釋約 400 件經典館藏。

Design 設計

新銳荷蘭設計師 Sabine Marcelis 近日將色彩作為關鍵,重新排列、詮釋約 400 件經典館藏,正式接管 Vitra 設計博物館其中由 Herzog & de Meuron 打造的展間 Vitra Schaudepot。

透過參加博物館年度挑戰——要求設計師以新穎、有趣的方式展示歷年知名項目,Sabine Marcelis 這回將展覽名稱定為《Colour Rush》,根據色調進行感官組織,將個人美學應用於輪廓簡約的現代家俱。

除了沈浸式的視覺體驗之外,亦希望觀者了解色彩對設計師的重要性,並藉此展示作品的背景故事,從 Frank Gehry 於 1972 年設計的棕色瓦楞板 Wiggle 側椅,到 Virgil Abloh 的橙色陶瓷塊,統一風格融合當代設計和過去經典。

對於展覽,Vitra 設計博物館官方表示:

“Our world is full of colour. Its various shades unleash emotions, assist orientation, indicate functions or perils, and mark cultural, political, professional, or religious identities. Although each of us perceives colours in their own way, all times and cultures have symbols and traditions distinguished by specific hues. This is one reason why colours play a central role in the design of interiors, fashions, and public spaces.

But the colours we choose for our clothes and homes also reveal personal predilections and contemporary trends. Some architects, artists, and designers even use their handling of colour as their hallmark – just think of Le Corbusier, Yves Klein, or Hella Jongerius. A homage to the role of colour in design across all periods and styles, the new annual presentation plunges the Vitra Schaudepot into a sea of colours, offering an almost physical experience.”

Sabine Marcelis 展覽《Colour Rush》目前已正式開幕,為期一年直至 2023 年 5 月 14 日,位於德國的讀者不妨前往朝聖。

Vitra Schaudeport
Charles-Eames-Straße 2
79576, Weil am Rhein

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