DC Studios 負責人 James Gunn 回應《神力女超人 Wonder Woman 3》遭取消發行一事

由 James Gunn 與 Peter Safran 主導的 DC Studios 在早先傳出將取消發行《Wonder Woman 3》(神力女超人/神奇女俠)的消息,此消息是由 The Hollywood Reporter 率先報導,而 James Gunn 也在社群媒體上公開回應。
首先他提到關於報導的部分有些為真,有些為假,有些甚至還未敲定,「構建下一個長達十年的故事需要時間,我們才剛剛開始。」James Gunn 提到他們在選擇接任 DC Studios 負責人時,就已經清楚意識到這是一個難以駕馭的環境,「當我們開始講述一個橫跨電視、電影、動畫和遊戲的連貫故事時,一段過渡期是無可避免的。」
James Gunn 最後指出:「我們知道未來的每一步無法讓每個人都感到滿意,但我們可以承諾,我們做得一切都是為了故事和 DC 角色所服務,我們了解你們珍視這些角色和故事,我們亦是珍視了一輩子的時間。」
《Wonder Woman 3》目前僅是暫時擱置,並未確立完全捨棄,但影迷需要做好心理準備的是,或許過去 Zack Snyder 時代組建的 Snyderverse 將全面瓦解,包括 Jason Momoa 卸任《Aquaman》、Henry Cavill 客串《The Flash》畫面刪除等等,所謂的 DCEU 十年企劃將徹底從頭展開。
So. As for the story yesterday in the Hollywood Reporter, some of it is true, some of it is half-true, some of it is not true, & some of it we haven’t decided yet whether it’s true or not.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) December 8, 2022
Although this first month at DC has been fruitful, building the next ten years of story takes time & we’re still just beginning.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) December 8, 2022
Peter & I chose to helm DC Studios knowing we were coming into a fractious environment, both in the stories being told & in the audience itself & there would be an unavoidable transitional period as we moved into telling a cohesive story across film, TV, animation, and gaming.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) December 8, 2022
But, in the end, the drawbacks of that transitional period were dwarfed by the creative possibilities & the opportunity to build upon what has worked in DC so far & to help rectify what has not.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) December 8, 2022
We know we are not going to make every single person happy every step of the way, but we can promise everything we do is done in the service of the STORY & in the service of the DC CHARACTERS we know you cherish and we have cherished our whole lives.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) December 8, 2022
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