
由 James Cameron 執導的年度科幻史詩大片《阿凡達:水之道 Avatar: The Way of Water》日前在倫敦進行全球首次試映會,近日就正式公開了首波影評。
而今次影評可以說是獲得壓倒性的高度好評,並對 James Cameron 無限的想像力感到驚艷,其中包括 Erik Davis 在內的評論都提到「在視覺上令人嘆為觀止且發自肺腑、難以置信地使人著迷」,眾人深受 James Cameron 創造的虛擬世界所吸引,Peri Nemiroff 與 Josh Horowitz 等人更堅定不移地相信電影表現。
儘管片長高達 3 小時 10 分鐘,但並不阻礙電影的傑出,曾獲奧斯卡獎的名導演 Guillermo del Toro 也指出這部續集是一項驚人的成就,他形容本作「以史詩般的規模來呈現壯麗景色與情感」。《阿凡達:水之道》將在 12 月 16 日正式上映,在進戲院觀影之前,不妨參考以下各個評論家對於電影的評價。
James Cameron once again shows filmmakers how it’s done. I’ve said it a thousand times. Never doubt him. AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER is how you do epic blockbuster-ing. Emotional, visceral, and as big as movies get. @officialavatar
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) December 6, 2022
Unsurprisingly, #AvatarTheWayOfWater is a visual masterpiece with rich use of 3D and breathtaking vistas. It does suffer from a thin story and too many characters to juggle, yet James Cameron pulls it together for an extraordinary final act full of emotion and thrilling action. pic.twitter.com/opr6CRyOwk
— Ian Sandwell (@ian_sandwell) December 6, 2022
#AvatarTheWayOfWater is pretty incredible. I had faith James Cameron would raise the bar w/ the effects but these visuals are mind-blowing. One stunning frame after the next. But the thing I dug most is how the technical feats always feel in service of character & world-building. pic.twitter.com/MXeN3z8BnP
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 6, 2022
A staggering achievement- AVATAR TWOW is chokefull of majestic Vistas and emotions at an epic, epic scale. A master at thepeak of his powers… https://t.co/tG6I16JlhM
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) November 24, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water is a never-ending visual spectacle.
It’s a better, more complex story than the first with solid emotion but the characters could grow a bit more. It’s definitely long, running on incredible visuals & techniques which are 3D’s best.#AvatarTheWayOfWater pic.twitter.com/ezySHunXOe
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) December 6, 2022
Happy to say #AvatarTheWayOfWater is phenomenal! Bigger, better & more emotional than #Avatar, the film is visually breathtaking, visceral & incredibly engrossing. The story, the spectacle, the spirituality, the beauty – this is moviemaking & storytelling at its absolute finest. pic.twitter.com/RicnpDghrx
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 6, 2022
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER absolutely owns bones. I was slapping my seat, hooting, screaming for the Na’vi to take out every last one of those dang sky people
— David Sims (@davidlsims) December 6, 2022
Avatar The Way of Water: lol imagine being dumb enough to bet against James Cameron. or teen alien Sigourney Weaver. or giant whales subtitled in papyrus.
light years better than the first & easily one of the best theatrical experiences in ages. streaming found dead in a ditch.
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) December 6, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water – Like remembering you can dream. To breathe, cry. To believe in hope again. What was once lost is found again. #InCameronWeTrust
— Alex B. (@firstshowing) December 6, 2022
AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER is a technical marvel that reminds you “OH CG CAN BE GOOD!” Visually, it was worth the long ass wait cause my breath was constantly tooketh. Themes are HEAVILY recycled but pushed further due to the inclusion of the Sully kids who are all good additions. pic.twitter.com/tc7KYQuSGD
— Rendy Jones (@rendy_jones) December 6, 2022
If you loved how Top Gun: Maverick wore its heart on its sleeve and told its story with the utmost sincerity, then Avatar: The Way of Water will speak to you. It comes from a deeply rooted love and joy, and James Cameron knows exactly how to translate that into a universal epic. pic.twitter.com/PLacWqjji8
— kevin l. lee (@Klee_FilmReview) December 7, 2022
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER — visually stunning with a vastly improved script, overlong but so what. The plot interested me less than the world exploration and rich family dynamics. And a tiny corner of me felt I was watching both the future of cinema and the death of movies.
— tyburr@mastodon.online (@tyburr) December 7, 2022
Avatar: The Way Of Water is gonna really be my favorite film of the year, isn’t it?
So beyond thankful and happy that it’s getting nothing but extremely high praise. Never doubt James Cameron. pic.twitter.com/HNRVFslXAt
— jacob. ❄️ (@jtimsuggs) December 6, 2022
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER: Struggles at first to find its footing and loses some of it in the end but everything in between is pretty spectacular. Has the passion and personal touch that the first movie lacked. James loves his water.
— Brian Tallerico (@Brian_Tallerico) December 7, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water left me breathless. Visually stunning, emotionally overwhelming, with some of the most impressive sustained action scenes I’ve ever seen. The performances are incredible too, especially by all the kids. Wow. James Cameron truly doesn’t miss. #Avatar pic.twitter.com/GdwSnZYPYz
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 7, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water is a film to be admired more than loved – some remarkable spectacle, some throwback to Titanic set pieces, some really lovely visual flourishes. But it’s also interminably, ploddingly overlong, and more impressive than truly absorbing.
— Christina Newland (@christinalefou) December 6, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water is an EPIC, STUNNING, CINEMATIC ADVENTURE. It delivers on both action & heart while giving fans an intriguing story that feels earned & warranted. Never doubt James Cameron. Biggest issue: feels like a stepping stone for what’s next.#AvatarTheWayofWater pic.twitter.com/dQBEfBkN7z
— Tessa Smith – Mama’s Geeky (@MamasGeeky) December 6, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water was worth waiting for. Family drama and war movie combine for an extraordinary aerial and underwater E-ride with jaw-dropping VFX. Joe Letteri can claim that win now.
— Anne Thompson (@akstanwyck) December 7, 2022
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER: Yeah never bet against James Cameron. Trying to spare hyperbole, but I’ve never seen anything like this from a technical, visual standpoint. It’s overwhelming. Maybe too overwhelming. Sometimes I’d miss plot points because I’m staring at a Pandora fish
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) December 6, 2022
As someone who LIKED — but didn’t LOVE — the first AVATAR, let me tell you:
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER blew me away.
Vastly superior in visuals, story telling and performances, the sequel left my jaw on the ground for the entire runtime.
James Cameron is the GOD of sequels. pic.twitter.com/1cw6C94O4f
— Jake Hamilton (@JakesTakes) December 6, 2022
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER might be James Cameron’s sweetest, gentlest, most personal film. Possibly even his most emotional. It revisits all his greatest hits, but it’s always totally sincere. He is never leaving Pandora. He loves this family. By the end, I did, too.
— Bilge Ebiri (@BilgeEbiri) December 7, 2022
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