Dwayne Johnson 主演 DC 反英雄電影《黑亞當 Black Adam》首波影評公開
Dwayne Johnson 與 Pierce Brosnon 飾演的「命運博士」好評不斷。

Dwayne Johnson 主演的 DC 反英雄電影《黑亞當 Black Adam》即將在本月正式上映,今回官方就正式公開了首波外媒試片的影評,當中大部分都給予了好評,包括指出《Black Adam》是改變遊戲規則的作品,且給予 Dwayne Johnson 的演技和電影中的動作場景高度讚賞,除此之外,Pierce Brosnon 飾演的「命運博士」也受到不少關注,其隸屬的美國正義協會是否未來還會有更多戲份令人期待。
《Black Adam》作為 DCEU 十年戰略計畫的其中一部份,似乎也有了一個相當好的開始,當然除了好評外也有不同的聲音,例如某些評論就認為本作雖精彩,卻不足以稱為 DC 的救世主。無論如何,電影將在 10 月 21 日登陸北美地區,香港為 10 月 20 日,台灣稍早於 10 月 19 日搶先上映,有興趣的讀者不妨多加留意。
have seen #BlackAdam. @TheRock is fantastic as Black Adam. He spent 10 years getting ready for this role and he literally kills anyone and everyone in his way and I loved that he didn’t pull back on who Black Adam is. Left the theater wanting to see the sequel immediately. pic.twitter.com/oLQc9lg7KR
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) October 13, 2022
Epic on Every Level#blackadam pic.twitter.com/W9L4WkEISL
— Paul McGuire Grimes (@PaulsMovieTrip) October 13, 2022
BOOM! #BlackAdam @TheRock delivers us one of the most ADRENALINE FUELLED adventures of the year! This 300 style ACTION SPECTACLE feels like a hit for DC. Some side characters & a shaky script prevent this from changing the hierarchy of the DCEU. Pierce Brosnan is a scene stealer! pic.twitter.com/TWFUpBcEKs
— Shahbaz 🎃 The Movie Podcast (@shayhbaz) October 13, 2022
DC’s #BlackAdam ROCKS! Tons of action, characters you’re instantly invested in & terrific pacing. Dwayne Johnson finds a great balance in being menacing & badass, but also empathetic. Especially loved Aldis Hodge’s Hawkman & Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate. More JSA movies please! pic.twitter.com/YSCco9zYA3
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) October 13, 2022
#BlackAdam is a game-changer!! This is the #DCComics movie I’ve been waiting for & it did not disappoint. @TheRock is electrifyingly brutal as Black Adam! This is what I wanted Black Adam to be. The action in the film is non-stop & seeing the #JSA on the big screen was a thrill! pic.twitter.com/NigTxsfmd7
— Joseph Deckelmeier #BlackLivesMatter (@Joelluminerdi) October 13, 2022
#BlackAdam kicks off the #DCEU’s new era in a big way! @TheRock electrifies as #BlackAdam & is absolutely brutal in the best of ways! This is some of the best action we’ve seen n the #DCEU. @AldisHodge @PierceBrosnan Quintessa Swindell, & @noahcent are cast perfectly as the #JSA pic.twitter.com/xa9h361dvX
— The Illuminerdi (@The_Illuminerdi) October 13, 2022
Pierce Brosnan kills it as Doctor Fate. He steals scenes. Charismatic as ever.
Aldis Hodge’s Hawkman leaves a lot of meat on the bone for future stories to dig deeper into. His action scenes are terrific.#BlackAdam relies on action, lands some humor, and it’s bad-ass. pic.twitter.com/zYEdqIY7zO
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) October 13, 2022
#BlackAdam is DC’s most action-packed film to date. It’s a non-stop thrill ride that is all about spectacle, and it knows it. Ther3 is barely anytime to breath, or even talk. @TheRock is a perfect Black Adam, plus Pierce Brosnon is a standout. The film will leave fans buzzing! pic.twitter.com/HxCYYNw71w
— Ben Rolph / TheDCTVshow @LFF (@TheDCTVshow) October 13, 2022
.@TheRock is terrific in #BlackAdam, which includes a hearty amount of real world touchstones (most affecting is it reinforces the need for heroes in bleak times). Director Juame Collet-Serra lays out building blocks for a larger, grand universe. Action is lively & BIG in scale. pic.twitter.com/pDBkSHRDrI
— My Scary Name *is* Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) October 13, 2022
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