Marvel 最新英雄大片《Spider-Man: No Way Home》更多傳言情報曝光

最新消息指出 Marvel 最新英雄大片《Spider-Man》第三部曲《Spider-Man: No Way Home》(蜘蛛人:無家日/蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸)有機會於近日正式發佈首支預告。
最新消息稱首支預告將在 CinemaCon 獨家播映,並在北美時間 8 月 23 – 24 日之間於網絡公開上線。預告中,Doctor Strange 將與 Spider-Man 相遇會合,就如同先前 Hot-Toys 的《Spider-Man:No Way Home》1:6 尺寸 Spider-Man 公仔的設計,兩人將在本片進行招式上的合體,而反派八爪博士 Doctor Octopus 預計會在片尾講出「Hello, Peter.」的台詞做收尾,而 Andrew Garfield 版本 Spider-Man 預計是在第二支預告做登場。
另外,首支預告或將沿用《Avengers: Endgame》首支預告只採用正片前 20 分中的內容,《Spider-Man:No Way Home》則是採用前 30 分鐘內容。
I’m getting more confirmations.
Guys, I think it’s finally happening.
— Nick ‘Professor Hulk’ Santos (@ProfHulksLab) August 21, 2021
The other thing too is that the trailer is very Doctor Strange forward, it’ll definitely paint him as being in the movie more than he actually is. This is partially to bump the MCU connection but also because it’s from the first 20 min of the movie.
— Nick ‘Professor Hulk’ Santos (@ProfHulksLab) August 22, 2021
Probably Andrew in Trailer 2 based on what I’m hearing
— Nick ‘Professor Hulk’ Santos (@ProfHulksLab) August 21, 2021
Sort of like how Endgame only had first 20ish min of the movie, No Way Home’s trailer is first 30 min too.
So no Tobey/Andrew
Lots of Doctor Strange
Not too many villains teased— Nick ‘Professor Hulk’ Santos (@ProfHulksLab) August 21, 2021
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