率先預覽 PlayStation x Cactus Jack x Nike Dunk Low 三方聯名鞋款完整套裝
全球僅有 24 名幸運得主收到。

伴隨著 PlayStation 5 的發佈,Sony 上年還特地攜手 Cactus Jack 和 Nike 共同打造三方聯名鞋款 Dunk Low 來造勢,鞋迷們僅能透過官網抽籤方式來獲得,而今回其中一名幸運得主 @unkwn.faery27shx 便在網上分享了完整套裝,此鞋款作為 Friends & Family 限定,一共僅限量推出 24 雙,並連同 PlayStation 5 主機一同寄給得主,每雙鞋盒上都附有 Travis Scott 留言及編號象徵身分,如此稀少的數量和獨特的外盒設計自然想必也意昧著驚人的轉售價,有興趣的讀者不妨瀏覽圖輯查看。
Jack Here.
Wanted to give you a small token of appreciation for rocking with me for so long. Family only.
Got me thinking about how important it is to look back, when making moves forward. Growing up I was spinning discs on PlayStation and collecting dunks, now we building the future in real time.
Had a vision and linked up with the crew to make it happen. Mold the game together y’all are family and we are the new pioneers.
Never forget to take a day off on your way up. Enjoy these times. Never let up.
From H Town to the World. Appreciate the gang.
All Love
P.S. See u in utopia
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