美國郵政署對 Nike 以當局為主題發想之全新鞋款感到不滿

3 月初,Nike 推出了一款全新的 Air Force 1,名為 Air Force 1 Experiment 的藍白配色鞋款以 USPS 美國郵政署作為靈感延伸,有著人們熟悉的 Priority Mail 運送箱和信封的白藍紅配色,搭配上腳跟的「標準貼標」,致敬意象十分明顯。
儘管許多球鞋愛好者都覺得這很有趣,然而美國郵政署卻不這麼認為。美國郵政署的公共關係代表最近向 HYPEBEAST 提供了一份聲明,指出 Nike 並未在該運動鞋上市之前進行諮詢,全文如下:
The Nike Air Force 1 “USPS” Experimental shoe is neither licensed nor otherwise authorized by the U.S. Postal Service.
The Postal Service, which receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations, protects its intellectual property. Officially licensed products sold in the marketplace expand the affinity for the Postal Service brand and provide incremental revenue through royalties that directly support it. Sales of unauthorized and unlicensed products deny support to the hardworking women and men of the Postal Service.
This is an unfortunate situation where a large brand such as Nike, which aggressively protects its own intellectual property, has chosen to leverage another brand for its own gain. The Postal Service is disappointed in Nike’s lack of response to repeated attempts to come to a solution. The Postal Service will take whatever actions it deems necessary to protect its valuable IP rights.
這個報導無疑令人聯想到近期 Nike 因為 Lil Nas X 和 MSCHF 以 Nike Air Max 97 為藍本設計的 Satan Shoes 侵權一事展開訴訟,早前也與「Reaper」運動鞋控告球鞋設計師 Warren Lotas 等事件,讓不少網民質疑 Nike 的正當性到底來自何處。
Nike Air Force 1 Experiment 藍白配色版本建議售價為 $120 美元,不過除了定價之外,目前還未又確切的發售日期,想知道後續發展的各位還請持續緊貼 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導。
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