Kid Cudi 分享與 Virgil Abloh 生前的最後一則簡訊

隨著時尚界巨擘 Virgil Abloh 的殞落,除了從各處傳來悼念的聲音以外,Louis Vuitton 更將稍早落幕的 2022 春夏大秀更名為「Virgil Was Here」,致予無盡的想念。饒舌歌手 Kid Cudi 也於 Twitter 發佈了一則推文,分享與已故設計師的最後一則簡訊,並在 Instagram 留下對去世好友的想法,說明自己花了幾天調適心情、尋找合適的字眼,才得以寫出這些文字。
It’s taken me a few days to make this post. Tryna find the right words. Virgil was the kindest most warmest soul I’ve ever met. He was a true visionary, genius, disrupter, epic DJ and artist, but he was also just truly a beautiful human. I’ve never known anyone quite like him. And I know i never will. Once in a lifetime.
Virgil, I thank u for being a true friend and always makin me feel special when u sent a text, made time for me to hang or sent some shoes w my name on them. I love you endlessly. Til we meet again my friend. I hope u see what you’ve done. You changed the world forever. You did that. I love you Virgil. Goodbye my friend
Your brother,
另外,透過其上傳的簡訊截圖,他們於上週六通訊,除了討論 Louis Vuitton 2022 春夏大秀的表演造型之餘,Kid Cudi 亦大方對 Virgil Abloh 表達感謝之情和對彼此友情的珍惜。在 Twitter 內文寫道:「I’m glad I got to tell u how I felt about u. I’m happy u didn’t leave here not knowing.」慶幸自己在最後一刻表達了想對 Virgil Abloh 說的真心話。
兩人的友誼始於 2018 年,也就是 Virgil 上任設計總監的那年,Kid Cudi 以模特的身份參與了 Louis Vuitton 的時裝秀,亦登場 Virgil 最後執掌的秀場伸展台,以自始自終時尚的方式緬懷摯友。Kid Cudi 的粉絲們也稱讚其積極態度,並呼籲世界應及時對在乎的人傳遞愛意和感謝,希望各位讀者們也能表達出自己的感受。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
Our last text was Saturday morning. Im glad I got to tell u how I felt about u. Im happy u didnt leave here not knowing.
I love you Virg FOREVER
— The Chosen One : I 💖 YOU FRESHIE 4EVER (@KidCudi) December 1, 2021
Kid Cudi performing “Moon” at Virgil Abloh’s final Louis Vuitton show last night.
— Pigeons & Planes (@PigsAndPlans) December 1, 2021
Casting for the “Virgil was here” Louis Vuitton show
— Ryan Lowe (@ryvnlovve) December 1, 2021
#KidCudi walked the runway in both #VirgilAbloh’s first and last #LouisVuitton shows.
— No Jumper (@nojumper) December 1, 2021
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