
日本知名建築師坂茂 Shigeru Ban 在東京繁華的涉谷區中的公園建造了 2 個透明公共廁所,公共廁所通常被認為是處境艱難的人們的唯一選擇,這次的透明公廁以玻璃幕牆製成,以展示如何妥善清潔和照顧通常不討喜的空間。本計劃被稱為「Tokyo Toilet Project」,旨在改變日本首都人們對公共廁所的刻板印象。建築師坂茂親自設計了這個玻璃建築物,一旦門鎖上後玻璃版面即會霧化,為使用者提供私密性。除了作為廁所之外,坂茂建築事務所還將此洗手間描述為「美麗的燈籠」,它們會在晚上被點亮。
Transparent public toilets in Japan that turn opaque when they’re being used.
One of those cases where you *really* don’t want a tech malfunction. pic.twitter.com/ObMuZ4ZCMs— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) August 24, 2020
Rad new public toilets in Tokyo are transparent; they have smart glass that turns opaque when they lock the doors.
Japan is always at the forefront of bathroom innovations! pic.twitter.com/Yhgwt137ry— Sheel Mohnot (@pitdesi) August 21, 2020
New toilets in a park in Shibuya are transparent when unoccupied but turn opaque when the door is locked. Poster worries what happens if it malfunctions while you’re doing your business 😅 https://t.co/reYIeAiLdZ
— Unseen Japan @ BLM だよ (@UnseenJapanSite) July 31, 2020