Robert Pattinson 揭露試鏡 DC 新版《The Batman》遭 Christopher Nolan 識破趣聞

知名導演 Christopher Nolan 耗費兩億美元打造的最新科幻電影《天能 Tenet》先行於國際上映,使得 Robert Pattinson、 John David Washington 與導演皆有相關訪談安排,近期 Robert Pattinson 就於 Irish Times 親自揭露一則趣聞。
Robert Pattinson 表示他於《天能 Tenet》拍攝期間接到了 DC 新版《The Batman》的試鏡通知,當然地這些事情都必須保密到家,因此他就必須找個理由騙過劇組,換得時間以便前進試鏡。不料,他以家裡有急事為由請假,卻遭《The Batman》前三部曲導演 Nolan 直接事識破謊言:「你是不是要去試鏡新版《The Batman》?」
“It’s funny because Chris is so secretive about everything to do with his movies. And then I had to be really secretive about Batman stuff. So I had to lie to Chris about having to go for a screen test — I said I had a family emergency. And as soon as I said ‘It’s a family emergency,’ he said: ‘You’re doing the Batman audition, aren’t you?’”
Robert Pattinson 補充表示這段過程其實很有趣,因為正在拍攝的《Tenet》相關資訊可謂是極為保密,要去試鏡的新版《The Batman》也是不可洩漏,但當下卻被 Noaln 識破了。此外 Robert Pattinson 亦分享了 David Washington 合作的趣聞,有興趣的讀者點此即可觀看全文,《天能 Tenet》將於 8 月 27 日登陸港台地區,敬請留意。