網友自製 Sony PlayStation 5 控制器「DualSense」多款配色圖輯曝光

本日遊戲圈最重磅新聞必為 Sony 發佈的 PlayStation 5 控制器「DualSense」,沿用了 DualShock 4 的優良基礎,並全新搭配 PS5 的「Tempest 3D AudioTech」系統,為玩家們帶來全新的沉浸感受,此外更將多方性能進行升級,給予全方位的體驗回饋。
不過,網友最關注的絕對是其光條的重大改革與全新雙色設計,官方圖能看見本次PlayStation 5 控制器「DualSense」改以白色作為主體,中心區域則採用黑色為輔,光條則從外側轉移至中間兩側,更具前衛與新穎特質。當然新聞一出,網友們紛紛自行製作其他配色,如回歸原有大家擅長的經典全黑,或是重現四大按鍵的圖案配色,此外亦推出黃、藍、紅、迷彩等別注配色,更有人針對類比搖桿配色進行變化,亦是一個值得參考的特製手法。
Someone made a black mock-up of the PS5 controller and… I want it. pic.twitter.com/3dM8EuruUp
— Roberto Guedes 🐶 (@RobertoSAGuedes) April 7, 2020
PS5 Controller recolor v2 (Dark mode with classic logo and face buttons) ⠀ pic.twitter.com/AdpiTwDMeG
— Espacio (@espacioninja) April 7, 2020
different color scheme mockups#dualsense #playstation5 pic.twitter.com/S82LAVsqXH
— fleshmonk (@thefleshmonk) April 7, 2020
some more just for fun
including those color schemes that are always on sale that no one wants pic.twitter.com/2lnu1u2Eo8
— fleshmonk (@thefleshmonk) April 7, 2020
Made a few trash mockups in Photoshop of some colors with DualSense just outta curiosity pic.twitter.com/V067kdMXuO
— Balvin | YNW Maui (@LordBalvin) April 7, 2020
The buttons/sticks having the same color as the surface they’re on just looks so off to me… pic.twitter.com/KowU1KYknv
— Asph (@Aspharon) April 7, 2020
xbox 360 colorway pic.twitter.com/mZoEF8Zd0C
— fleshmonk (@thefleshmonk) April 7, 2020