《Resident Evil》正統遊戲續作《Resident Evil 8》據傳將於 2021 年正式發佈?
《Resident Evil》系列遊戲即將火力全開。

CAPCOM 繼去年推出《Resident Evil 2》重製版之後,今年即刻讓《Resident Evil 3》捲土重來,並於上週正式推出,相信在疫情期間已有不少熱愛打電動的讀者們進行下載了吧?
而作為《Resident Evil》正統遊戲續作的《Resident Evil 8》則在年初迎來相關新消息,除了將延用《Resident Evil 7》更身歷其境的第一人稱視角外,亦有機會讓 Ethan Winters 與傳奇角色 Chris Redfield 同步以全新造型回歸。而最新消息指出《Resident Evil 8》有機會於 2021 年正式登場,該遊戲內容或將有別以往,將傾重在幻覺、神秘主義與精神錯亂等全新氛圍。
《Resident Evil 7》重新注重了恐怖與探索的體驗,因此獲得不少網民的正面評價,如今 CAPCOM 對《Resident Evil》系列遊戲投入大量心力,對於《Resident Evil 8》未來的上市大家不妨給予期待,同時亦可關注下方相關報導:
The reason I said RE8 was "years away" earlier this year is last year a RE8 was in development, & that one is years away. But Capcom didn't want a huge gap between RE7 and RE8, so that title got pushed to the side for now, & internal testing and such was super positive on Rev 3.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 4, 2020
should be revealed within the next few months, it is first-person, and many purists are going to hate it because it's taking some serious departures in the story/enemies and the like. Hallucinations, Occultism, insanity and not being able to trust others are huge thematics of
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 4, 2020