驚奇不斷!Pizza Hut 與 KFC 攜手推出全新「勁爆雞米花口味 Pizza」

知名炸雞連鎖店 KFC 在去年製造了不少驚奇話題餐點,例如與美國人造肉公司 Beyond Meat 合作打造素食炸雞,亦或攜手 Krispy Kreme 推出「甜甜圈炸雞」,該餐點也在台灣造成不小的旋風。
近日,英國地區 KFC 再迎來全新亮點,今番聯手知名 Pizza 連鎖店 Pizza Hut 推出全新「勁爆雞米花口味 Pizza」為慶祝國際 Pizza 日(每年的 2 月 9 日),以 Pizza Hut 經典基底作口味配置,於 Mozzarella 起司上撒上勁爆雞米花與甜玉米作點綴,限定於 2 月 3 日至 16 日進行發售,不過已嚐鮮過的網民給出的評價可謂褒貶不一,但整體反應相當熱烈。
Just in case a lifetime of advertising disclaimers haven’t got through yet… The pizza doesn’t come with food in the background, it’s just there to make the picture look pretty.
— KFC UK & Ireland (@KFC_UKI) February 3, 2020
Yes, it’s real and it’s here. Feast your eyes on the @KFC_UKI Popcorn Chicken Pizza.
⠀ Hurry, it won’t be around for long!. ⠀
🍕🐔🤤 #PizzaHutxKFC pic.twitter.com/gEpuWx6MNa— Pizza Hut DeliveryUK (@pizzahutdeliver) February 3, 2020
OK, which ones of you ate all the pizza? 🤔 The huge reaction to the @KFC_UKI Popcorn Chicken Pizza yesterday has meant we’re already needing to restock, refill the gravy pipes and pop some more chicken. Normal service will resume as soon as possible. pic.twitter.com/1cFbELlLXg
— Pizza Hut DeliveryUK (@pizzahutdeliver) February 4, 2020
That KFC popcorn chicken pizza with the gravy base looks absolutely terrible.
— Jack (@J4CKMULL) February 3, 2020
Just ordered the KFC/Pizza Hut Popcorn Chicken Pizza. It was literally the most minging thing i’ve ever eaten in my life. Gravy base is disgusting, sweetcorn just ruins it. How do I get my money back. @pizzahutdeliver @pizzahutuk @KFC_UKI pic.twitter.com/nqL87iD6Ne
— DJ Ravine (@DJRavine) February 3, 2020
kfc x pizza hut — popcorn chicken pizza. great obviously pic.twitter.com/nAPVfcKjEO
— ibrahim salha (@ibzo) February 3, 2020
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