騰訊現正招聘熟悉一切 Pokémon 之人才
需具備至少 900 小時 Pokémon 遊戲遊玩時間和觀看過 500 集以上 Pokémon 動畫。

根據 Niko Partners 分析師 Daniel Ahmad 最新消息指出,騰訊目前開放了市場營銷、運營策畫、工程師等多達 19 個與 Pokémon 有關的職缺,其給出的條件共有四項,分別為熟悉所有 Pokémon 遊戲並有 900 小時以上的遊玩時間、熟知 Pokémon 歷史、排名達到 Master Ball、觀看過 500 集以上的 Pokémon 動畫,而一切都是為了騰訊緊接而來與 The Pokémon Company、Nintendo 的合作,首當其衝的便是 6 月末公佈的全新 MOBA 遊戲《Pokémon Unite》,不過騰訊如此大動作的公開招募,且考量到其還有 Nintendo Switch 於中國地區代理商的身分,顯然不僅將目標鎖定在這款遊戲,過後或許還會有更多 Pokémon 相關的計畫出現,有興趣的讀者不妨緊貼 HYPEBEAST 後續跟蹤報導。
Tencent is recruiting for 19 Pokémon related jobs right now, the most interesting of which is for a “Pokémon consultant”
- Clear all Pokémon games w/ 900hrs+ playtime
- Know history of Pokémon
- Have master ball ranking in Pokémon
- Watched 500+ episodes of anime pic.twitter.com/u4w3lFOb6U— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) December 18, 2020
Tencent is hiring for Pokémon related jobs due to its partnership with The Pokémon Company and Nintendo.
1. Tencent’s TiMi studio is working with The Pokémon Company on Pokémon Unite, a 5v5 battle game for Switch and Mobile.https://t.co/FtWxlVYelD
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) December 18, 2020
2. Tencent is the distributor of Nintendo Switch products in China.
I would assume the jobs are related to point 1, but could also show that Tencent is working on Pokémon related products beyond Pokémon Unite. https://t.co/STc5Q1JoYJ
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) December 18, 2020