國外網民發現 Starbucks 咖啡杯意外亂入《Game of Thrones》最終季第四集!?

《Game of Thrones》最終季第四集於昨日正式播映,今番暫不談論劇情發展,先來分享有國外網民發現本集「The Last of the Starks」中竟有疑似 Starbucks 咖啡杯的出現,而此「意外的發現」也正在網絡上開始引發廣泛討論。節目製片 Bernie Caulfield 也在昨日發佈官方道歉聲明,並承認這項錯誤,但也澄清那並非 Starbucks,而是當地咖啡廳的一杯花草茶(Herbal tea),最終則以打趣地方式表示:Westeros 才是第一個有 Starbucks 的地方。(Westeros was the first place to actually, you know, have Starbucks.)
此片段出現於最終季第四集的 17:40 處,Starbucks 官方也對此作出回應,表示他們很驚訝「龍后」Daenerys Targaryen 並沒有點杯 Dragon Drink。有興趣的讀者不妨觀看下方網絡貼文,亦可觀看《Spider-Man: Far From Home》終極預告。
For anyone watching #gameofthrones who has worked production with tight deadlines & extremely long shoot days, where everyone is beyond tired & the end is nearly in sight…
A misplaced coffee cup isn’t that odd of an occurrence.
How they didn’t catch it in the dailies, tho…
— Aᴀʀᴏɴ Pʀᴜɴᴇʀ (@AaronFlux) 2019年5月6日
HBO weighs in on last night’s errant #GameofThrones prop: pic.twitter.com/ZkSxoEIEoq
— Jason Lynch (@jasonlynch) 2019年5月6日
TBH we’re surprised she didn’t order a Dragon Drink.
— Starbucks Coffee (@Starbucks) 2019年5月6日
1. After last week’s #GameOfThrones, the cinematographer had to fight off criticism that it was too dark and people couldn’t see.
2. So this week he inserts an offending Starbucks cup into dark scene.
3. People spot the cup, cinematographer vindicated.https://t.co/V2Xx05BatT
— Vlad Savov (@vladsavov) 2019年5月6日
Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains, and Drinker of Pumpkin Spice pic.twitter.com/BOPdolRhXz
— Ira Madison III (@ira) 2019年5月6日