已故饒舌歌手 Juice WRLD 母親發表最新聲明談論其毒癮與人生掙扎

期盼 Juice WRLD 的創作仍能影響後世人們。

Music 音樂
10,889 Hypes

12 月 8 日,新生代人氣說唱歌手 Juice WRLD 癲癇發作,搶救不治得年僅 21 歲,導致癲癇誘發的主因包括:藥物濫用、酒精戒斷症候群、壓力與睡眠不足,而這次 Juice WRLD 的驟逝主因爾後在私人飛機上搜出大量毒品與槍枝後有了新的調查方向。

事隔多日,Juice WRLD 母親 Carmella Wallace 發佈最新聲明,文中感嘆兒子 Jarad Anthony Higgins 的人生如此短暫,此意外的發生至今仍難以相信,並承認 Juice WRLD 毒癮一事,他對處方籤藥品有著嚴重的依賴,並重申毒品成癮有著難以估量的負面影響。Carmella Wallace 希望他的創作仍然能在死後幫助身處低潮的人,他留給後人的愛、喜悅與情感都將繼續永存。

We loved Jarad with all of our hearts and cannot believe our time with him has been cut short. As he often addressed in his music and to his fans, Jarad battled with prescription drug dependency. Addiction knows no boundaries and its impact goes way beyond the person fighting it. Jarad was a son, brother, grandson, friend and so much more to so many people who wanted more than anything to see him defeat addiction. We hope the conversations he started in his music and his legacy will help others win their battles as that is what he wanted more than anything. We know that Jarad’s legacy of love, joy and emotional honesty will live on.


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