搶先預覽 Joaquin Phoenix 版本 Joker 拍攝花絮

經典 Joker 回歸!

Entertainment 娛樂

在釋出 DC 最新起源電影《Joker》的首波電影劇照演員陣容後,昨日亦終於曝光放送首波短片,將主角 Arthur Fleck 加入畫面投影,漸漸上揚的嘴角面容讓人感到不寒而慄,最終展現出經典 Joker 妝容。而今天外國便有劇組人員便在 Twitter 上發佈了由 Joaquin Phoenix 演繹 Joker 的拍攝花絮及其造型照,畫面可以看到 Joker 從地鐵列車上走出來,身穿着紅色西裝,綠色頭髮配其小丑妝容。

而早前 Joaquin Phoenix 接受 Collider 採訪時,便曾表示他不會把 Joker 歸類為任何類型,不會說這是一部超級英雄電影。因為感覺很獨特,並認為這是令人興奮的,並且這種漫畫角色人物要在現實生活中演繹是很有趣的,能夠有機會去深入研究,對他來說是十分好的機會。

“I wouldn’t quite classify this as like any genre. I wouldn’t say it’s a superhero movie, or a studio movie or a… It feels unique, and I think more than anything, and probably the most important thing, is Todd seems very passionate about it and very giving, and so that’s exciting. I think, underneath the excitement of these films, and the size of them, there are these incredible characters that are dealing with real life struggles. And sometimes that is uncovered and exposed, and sometimes it isn’t, and so I always felt, like, there were characters in comics that were really interesting and deserve the opportunity to be kind of studied. And so I think that’s what Todd sees appealing about this idea.”

有關 Todd Phillips 執導的《Joker》暫定於 2019 年 10 月 4 日上映,由知名演員 Joaquin Phoenix 飾演新一任 Joker,Robert De Niro、於《Deadpool 2》大放異彩的 Zazie Beetz、確認飾演 Batman 父親 Thomas Wayne 的 Brett Cullen 亦將會是該片另類亮點,各位不妨繼續留意着我們 HYPEBEAST 的相關跟進報道。

另一邊廂 20th Century Fox 亦宣佈《Kingsman》第三部曲上映日期,各位也可點擊查看內容了解更多。



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