Balenciaga 2018 秋冬发發佈會「彩蛋」揭秘


Fashion 時裝

全球時尚愛好者矚目的 Balenciaga 2018 秋冬系列,日前於巴黎時裝周上完美落幕,品牌藝術總監 Demna Gvasalia 這一季將男、女裝首度合併,除了將 Cristóbal Balenciaga 招牌「蠶繭」廓形,以及品牌近幾年主打的 Oversized 剪裁和多層次穿搭元素發揚光大,還帶來多款造型更加誇張的 Chunky Sneaker,相信再次擄獲了一眾 Demna「信徒」的芳心。

Balenciaga 2018 秋冬发發佈會「彩蛋」揭秘

不過細心的朋友發現,在新系列的部分單品中出現了電話熱線「+33 156528799」的印花,那麼這個號碼究竟有何含義呢?The Cut 便撥打了這個號碼一探究竟。接通熱線後你首先會聽到「Hi and welcome to the new Balenciaga hotline. We would like to ask you a few questions.」的提示音,之後便會一連拋出 20 個不同的問題讓你回答,包括你的性別、身高和鞋款尺碼,以及你最喜歡的季節、度假地點和口味等等,可謂品牌 2018 秋冬發佈會的隱藏「彩蛋」,此外所有答案都會在你掛斷電話後刪除,並且會絕對保密。

下面就會你帶來這 20 個問題的回答選項的完整內容,感興趣的朋友不妨親自撥打參與這次互動:

Question 1: What is your gender?
1) Female
2) Male
3) Transgender
4) Other form of gender identity

Question 2: Which of the following cities do you like the most?
1. Berlin
2. London
3. Beijing
4. Paris
5. Seoul

Question 3: What is your shoe size?
1. Between 34 and 37
2. Between 38 and 40
3. Between 41 and 43
4. Between 44 and 47

Question 4: Please choose a color.
1. Gray
2. Black
3. Yellow
4. White
5. Blue

Question 5: What is your body height?
1. Between 150 and 160cm
2. Between 160 and 170 cm
3. Between 170 and 180 cm
4. Between 180 and 190 cm
5. Between 190 and 200cm
6. More than 200 cm

Question 6: What is your favorite season?
1. Summer
2. Winter
3. Spring
4. Fall

Question 7: What is your favorite destination for vacations?
1. Beach
2. City
3. Mountains
4. Countryside

Question 8: Do you wear prescription glasses?
1. Yes
2. No

Question 9: What is your favorite taste?
1. Bitter
2. Salty
3. Sour
4. Sweet
5. Umami

Question 10: What is your favorite type of music?
1. Metal
2. Pop
3. Electronic
4. Hip-Hop

Question 11: What is your favorite type of transportation?
1. By foot
2. By train
3. By airplane

Question 12: Please choose a hair color that matches you the best.
1. Black
2. Brown
3. Blonde
4. Red

Question 13: Do you have a pet?
1. Yes
2. No

Question 14: What is your favorite shape?
1. Round
2. Rectangular

Question 15: What is your primary language?
1. English
2. Chinese
3. Spanish
4. Arabic
5. Japanese
6. Korean
7. Other language

Question 16: Do you have any siblings?
1. Yes
2. No

Question 17: What is your age?
1. Under 20
2. Between 20 and 29
3. Between 30 and 39
4. Between 40 and 49
5. Over 50

Question 18: What is your current marital status?
1. Single
2. In a relationship
3. Married
4. Separated

Question 19: What is your highest level of education?
1. High school
2. College
3. University
4. Doctorate / PhD
5. Other

Question 20: What is your professional or employment status?
1. Employed
2. Self-employed
3. Student
4. Retired
5. Out of work



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