疑團終結者-《Get Out》導演親身旁述隱藏版結局隱喻及迷思
“I wrote this movie in the Obama era.”
共獲 4 項奧斯卡主要獎項提名的種族主義電影《Get Out》是 2017 年票房及口碑黑馬之作。正式播映版故事情節以主角 Chris 終逃離這個充滿歧視主義的白人種族家庭的魔掌作結,最後更獲好友相助全身逃脫。可早在去年網上便已流傳被電影導演 Jordan Peele 刪減掉的隱藏版結局,如今電影大獲好評更成奧斯卡熱門後便終獲 Peele 現身解畫,略述這個隱藏(即原版)結局的更深層意思。
“I wrote this movie in the Obama era. We were in this post-racial lie. This movie was meant to call out that racism is still shimmering under the surface. So this ending to the movie felt like the gut-punch the world needed because something about it rings very true. When something rings true to your very core — you have to deal with it.”
Peele 表示《Get Out》的劇本創作階段於前美國總統奧巴馬執政期間進行,那時候美國仍處於「歧視終結」的謊言之中。因此電影的誕生原為揭開謊言的璀璨假象而設,配搭一個弱勢社群終擺脫不了被現實摧殘的結局才能達致當頭棒喝的作用。