加州議員將阻止 The Boring Company「火焰噴射器」公開銷售

憑藉 The Boring Company 趣味設計再次引爆網絡的 Elon Musk,於上周末正式推出萬眾期待的「火焰噴射器」,並在開賣後迅速售出 15,000 把,銷售總額也很快突破 $500 萬美元大關,不過這款限量 20,000 把的超人氣單品最近卻在加州遇到新的問題。根據《The Los Angeles Times》作家 Liam Dillon 的消息,加州議員 Miguel Santiago 表示將嘗試立法阻止 The Boring Company 向公衆出售火焰噴射器,至少在加州範圍內禁止。涉及武器的立法無論對於加州還是美國的其他 49 個州來說,都是一個繞不開的問題。此前 Elon Musk 已經在 Twitter 中確認公司推出的槍支並不違反酒精、煙草、槍支和爆炸物管理局對「非法噴火器」的相關定義,並承認 The Boring Company 的火焰噴射器射程不會超過 10 英尺。
而在談及為什麼要阻止此事時,Miguel Santiago 引用了《Spider-Man》中的一句經典名言:
Like most Americans, I am in awe in of Mr. Musk’s genius — the brains behind Tesla, PayPal, SolarCity, and Space X. But as President Truman and Stan Lee have taught us all, ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ There are many times in which technology and inventions benefit society, but are not made available to the public. We don’t allow people to walk in off the street and purchase military-grade tanks or armor-piercing ammunition. I cannot even begin to image the problems a flamethrower would cause firefighters and police officers alike.