即時回顧 Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 世紀之戰過磅實況!
還有不足 24 小時,世紀之戰正式開始!
萬眾矚目的 Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 世紀之戰即將於亞洲時間 8 月 27 日早上 9 時正式開始!在前一晚,二人已經抵達 Las Vegas 會場,並在數小時前進行過磅,兩位的體重均低於拳賽規定的 154 磅:Mayweather 149.5 磅、而 McGregor 僅僅 153 磅,成功達陣,在過程中 McGregor 當然也乘機打嘴炮:
[Mayweather] looks like dogshit. He looks blown out and full of water. He’s not gonna keep my pace, trust me on that. That’s the worst shape I’ve ever seen him. I’m gonna breeze through him.