合作公開-Virgil Abloh 釋出重新設計的 IKEA FRAKTA Bag

早前我們 HYPEBEAST 率先為大家帶來了一則短片,片中暗示了將有位的神秘嘉賓,會在 IKEA「Democratic Design Day(民主設計日)」分享了自己的創作方式與核心創意。而剛剛謎底亦正式揭盅,正正是 OFF-WHITE 的設計師 Virgil Abloh,他本人親身到場並帶來一個 IKEA FRAKTA Bag,不過是經過他重新設計,以紙板作為主材料製作,以膠紙作縫接,袋面有着「SCULPTURE」字樣,再配以黃色與藍色的肩帶,表明了他與 IKEA 的合作。
IKEA provides a landscape — fertile soil for new ideas and concepts. My duty then, is to provide something provocative. Given how tremendous this opportunity is, I’m not content to make another chair. I love working with the best in class of any genre. IKEA is a brand that spans generations — that stands for something. To give this collection a young approach and pay respect to that DNA is my goal.
We’re looking at that first phase of adult life, when you start making purchases for your space. Largely people grow up in their parents’ environment. They’ve never had to consider furniture. Then when they’re off on their own and have their own aesthetic, what are their first purchases? I’m interested in thinking about how those purchases are informed.