劇透慎入!導演 Rian Johnson 解構《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》結局的深層含意

電影《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》的導演 Rian Johnson 近日接受 Entertainment Weekly 訪問時,仔細為今次《Star Wars》新作的結局進行解構,是跟在賭場馬房工作的那位小男孩 Temiri Blagg 有關。
It’s mostly about Luke. To me, it shows that the act Luke Skywalker did, of deciding to take on this mantle of ‘the legend’, after he had decided the galaxy was better off without him, had farther reaching consequences than saving 20 people in a cave. Now the Legend of Luke Skywalker is spreading. Hope is reignited in the galaxy, I couldn’t think of a more evocative image of hope than a kid who is playing with his Luke Skywalker action figure and being inspired by that to grow up and have an adventure and fight the good fight.
小男孩在電影最後拿著代表 Luke Skywalker 的玩具,講述有關 Luke 對抗 First Order 軍團的故事,又戴著革命軍的戒指,然後更出現疑似用原力吸起掃把,像拿著光劍一樣的畫面。這結局帶著「承傳」的含意,Luke Skywalker 為了銀河系和革命軍而犧牲自己,小男孩則受到他的啟發而成長,甚至為冒險及戰鬥作好了準備。Luke 的犧牲並不是表示終結,而是代表著希望。未知小男孩 Temiri Blagg 往後會否在電影故事中再次出現呢?
另外 Mark Hamill 證實於《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》演出了另一神秘角色,到底是誰?有興趣可到這裡了解。