Rick Owens 談論 2015 秋冬系列爭議性設計
在今年的巴黎時裝周上,最受爭議的就要數 Rick Owens 2015

在今年的巴黎時裝周上,最受爭議的就要數 Rick Owens 2015 秋冬系列發布會了,隨後設計師本人便在發布會後台接受了《i-D》的采訪,談及了新系列與發布會的設計靈感。對于最受關注的模特「露陰」問題他表示:「我認爲這是男性最簡單最原始的姿態,而我總是癡迷于這些原始的東西,它們會給我帶來很大的衝擊力」。雖然這次的模特「露陰」並不明顯,不過在充滿鎂光燈的時裝周舞台上,任何細節都會被無限放大。完整訪談不妨查看 i-D 官方網站,也歡迎在評論處留下你的觀點。
“It’s very powerful,” Owens said. “Not many people can do that. I mean, it’s a straight world now. And it also, I think, says something about being independent. Who else can really get away with that kind of stuff? It’s a corporate world.” And with those words, Owens quite literally stuck a cock in the face of the fashion conglomerates, exercising an irreverence and cheekiness that few other designers could get away with. It was a powerful gesture – even in flaccid condition – and one that could be start to an entirely different men’s fashion week. Ballsy.