《Business of Fashion》專訪時裝設計師 Thom Browne

時尚世界總是千變萬化,不過美國人氣設計師 Thom Browne 卻憑借著獨特的時尚美學和剪裁設計,成功從芸芸男裝設計師中突圍而出,而紅白藍三色的間條設計更是成爲設計師和品牌的標識。最近知名時尚網站

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時尚世界總是千變萬化,不過美國人氣設計師 Thom Browne 卻憑借著獨特的時尚美學和剪裁設計,成功從芸芸男裝設計師中突圍而出,而紅白藍三色的間條設計更是成爲設計師和品牌的標識。最近知名時尚網站 Business of Fashion 便采訪了這位事業蒸蒸日上的設計師,共同探討自己的星路曆程,管理公司的方法,以及自己是如何保持成功的等話題。下面便帶來這次訪談的節選內容,感興趣的朋友務必前往 Business of Fashion 的官方网站完整閱讀。

“I just knew I needed to stay in business. I’m stubborn, but I’m not foolish,” designer Thom Browne told BoF of his brand’s conceptual-meets-commercial balancing act. “Fashion is a business. As conceptual as you want to be, you do have to make sure that you approach it as a business. There has to be a commercial element to what you do.”

“I pretty much learned everything through my tailor Rocco,” says Browne. “I always knew that tailoring was going to be something that, if I was going to be in fashion, [my collection] was going to centre around. The most important thing for me is to make interesting clothes that are really well-made. That will always be fashionable.”

“I never seriously thought of changing anything, but I do remember thinking early on, ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do if this doesn’t work out.’ So, there was that moment. But thank God it worked [out].”


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