After captivating the audiences of the label’s recent runway shows, the handbag and mini shoulder bag are now for sale.
Jun Takahashi and the UNDERCOVER team are gearing up for their exciting return to Paris Fashion Week, with the brand presenting its first men’s runway show since 2021’s iconic Evangelion-themed “CREEP VERY” collection. In the meantime however, the label has finally released its long-awaited THIRD EYE BAG COLLECTION.
Showcased first during the Fall/Winter 2023 women’s runway show, with appearances in the following Spring/Summer 2024 and Fall/Winter 2024 shows as well, two bag styles have just arrived. The first is a black handbag that is accented by golden zippers throughout its luxurious build. It can be worn in two different ways thanks to its convertible shoulder strap that supports on-the-shoulder and in-hand carrying. As for the shoulder mini bag, it appears in black and brown iterations that feature silver and gold hardware respectively. Both made in Italy bags are constructed with a premium glossy cowhide with the collection’s signature eye motif located at the twist-lock clasp of each bag.
For those interested in shopping UNDERCOVER’s THIRD EYE BAG COLLECTION, it is available for sale now via UNDERCOVER with prices starting at ¥259,875 JPY (approx. $1,651 USD) for the mini shoulder bags and going up to ¥554,400 JPY (approx. $3,522 USD) for the handbag.
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