經典恐怖電影《奪魂鋸/恐懼鬥室》系列新作《SAW X》最新影評公佈

經典恐怖電影《奪魂鋸/恐懼鬥室/SAW》系列最新續集《Saw X》正式上映,早先官方也正式解禁了試映會的首波影評,其中大多給予正面好評,不少人認為這是系列最棒的作品,無論是充滿巧思的陷阱、血腥場面、演員的演技等各方面,甚至配樂都得到了稱讚。
幾項較令人印象深刻的評論包括來自 The Direct 的 Russ Milheim,他認為某些死亡陷阱的設計和整個卡司的演出都非常成功;ComicBook 的 Chris Killian 提到《Saw X》或許是系列 15 年以來最傑出的一部;知名影評 Simon Thompson 則給予飾演拼圖殺人狂 John Kramer 的 Tobin Bell 高度好評。
#SawX is a glorious return to form for the series. Not only are the traps absolute perfection, but we get to see a very different side to John this time around. It’s deep, emotional, gory, it feels like OG SAW. Also, @CharlieClouser Score is INCREDIBLE! pic.twitter.com/Y3Pcarvn3C
— Patrick Burow (@BurowPatrick) September 27, 2023
The Direct’s @RussMilheim was able to see #SawX early, and as a lifelong fan of the franchise, he loved it:
“Jigsaw’s latest sadistic game cuts to the bone, offering a hard-hitting story, some next-level death traps, and strong performances across the entire cast.” pic.twitter.com/4TGzw0snHX
— The Direct (@TheDirect) September 27, 2023
Initially adhering to a different structure than we are used to, #SawX infuses a more human element as it dives into Kramer’s desperation. Fear not though as it eventually embraces the gory carnage we expect with some truly squirm-inducing tricks and traps that HURT. Bloody fun! pic.twitter.com/N7mhIboVa9
— Peter Gray (@ratedPDG) September 27, 2023
#SawX is a twisted revenge story that once again shows how good Tobin Bell is as Jigsaw with a more character focused, dramatic first act.
Then it’s gore galore with some truly toe curling traps and enough blood and guts to satisfy long time Saw fans.
Jigsaw is back! pic.twitter.com/47WlTClR4y
— Nick’s Flicks Fix (@nicksflicksfix) September 27, 2023
THEY’RE SO BACK. #SawX is EASILY one of the best movies of the franchise. It’s gross, innovative and brilliant. It brings back the originality the first movies had. The cast is simply one of the best parts of it. Bring more please. pic.twitter.com/dxqVJdxGZz
— The Hollywood Handle (@HollywoodHandle) September 27, 2023
While I was at Universal today, the social embargo lifted so I can tell you now that #SawX is gruesome, hard-to-watch, and probably the best Saw sequel in about 15 years. It wedges perfectly between 1-2 and unveils a side of Jigsaw we haven’t seen before. Saw fans will enjoy it pic.twitter.com/546PnGaAgw
— Chris Killian (@chriskillian) September 27, 2023
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