《浴血任務/轟天任務 4》試映會負評如潮:「系列表現最差的一集」

由 Sylvester Stallone 與 Jason Statham 主演的動作電影系列《浴血任務/轟天任務 The Expendables》正式迎來第 4 部續集《Expend4bles》上映,沒料到在早先試映會的影評卻是負評如潮。
That Hashtag Show 編輯/作家 Hunter Bolding 指出劇情從一開始就令人失望,且還遵循該薄弱的脈絡持續演下去;FILMHOUNDS Magazine 影評 Josh Barton 批評本作是系列最糟的一集;Future Of The Force 創辦人 Phil Roberts 則指出電影記憶點薄弱,包括 CGI 特效、演出、劇情都破壞了貫穿全片的動作場景;來自 Bitesize Breakdown 的 Nick 也評論這是系列表現最弱的一集,並認為系列已經朝著錯誤的方向前進。
Well, I was very disappointed by Expend4bles. It makes an absolutely boneheaded decision right at the beginning of the movie and keeps going with a weak script. Tony Jaa and Jason Statham do the heavy lifting to make this one barely watchable. Needed more firepower. #Expend4bles pic.twitter.com/ojg6D3L7Ia
— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) September 20, 2023
Gimme a HELL NO for #Expend4bles because it is absolute trash! Hands down the worst one yet full of awful action sequences and a team absolutely no one wants to watch! These expendables are way past their expiry date! pic.twitter.com/5DjCSWOzLv
— Josh Barton (@bartonreviews) September 19, 2023
Sadly #Expend4bles is a serviceable but instantly forgettable sequel that dilutes the formula that brought us to the dance.
Mediocre CGI, inert performances & a wafer thin plot only derail the enjoyable moments of action sprinkled throughout. Such a missed opportunity. pic.twitter.com/sMfsSBSsRY
— Phil Roberts (@philthecool) September 19, 2023
#Expend4bles loses everything that was enjoyable about the series to create its weakest entry yet. The lack of star power and humour shows that this franchise is headed in the wrong direction. – Nick pic.twitter.com/bCMFvpi3rz
— Bitesize Breakdown (@bitesizebreak) September 20, 2023
#Expend4bles revels in the return of its R-rating, but its obvious twists and dumb (not in a fun way) plot, combined with the shift in focus on Jason Statham, makes this a borderline dull film with not nearly enough fun to be had to forgive any of its flaws. pic.twitter.com/LkzCEuvX2b
— Adriano Not TIFF Caporusso (@AdriCaporusso) September 20, 2023
Ever wonder what the rock bottom nadir of a franchise looks like? Prepare to be stunned by the awfulness of Expend4bles. It has the aesthetics of a 1995 Direct-To-Video movie, and simply describing story/plot developments sounds like mockery. An embarrassment for all involved. pic.twitter.com/KxucJ4ntiH
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) September 20, 2023
當然喜好與否本就主觀,有負評自然也有佳評,電影攝影師 Jeff Schwartz 就表示本作娛樂性十足,且提到 Jason Statham、Megan Fox 和 Tony Jaa 的表現亮眼。
作為 Sylvester Stallone 最後一次回歸,加上是系列首部 R 級作品,《Expend4bles》受到許多影迷的期待,電影將在今日正式上映,有興趣的讀者不妨前往戲院親眼見證。
Expend4bles was awesome! Fun movie. Jason Statham must have killed at least 1000 people. The cast is stacked. Megan Fox and Tony Jaa were really good. There might possibly be one more movie left in the franchise to end it. Bring this cast back #Expend4bles pic.twitter.com/jBEMWcgXZA
— Jeff Schwartz (@JiffSchwazz) September 20, 2023
#Expend4bles is the kind of movie I would’ve gone nuts for as a teenager. As is, it’s got enough gratuitously gory kills and one-liners to get the job done. Nothing more, nothing less. It simply is what it is. Review coming Thursday to @MyCosmicCircus
— James Preston Poole @ Fantastic Fest (@JamesPPoole) September 20, 2023
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