好評如潮!DC 超英大作《藍甲蟲 Blue Beetle》首波影評解禁
「DC 的巨大勝利」。

隨著電影即將於 8 月 17 日正式上映,DC 超級英雄電影《藍甲蟲 Blue Beetle》的首波影評也於稍早正式解禁。有意思的是,目前網路影評幾乎一面倒的給予「好評」,甚至有人稱其為「DC 的巨大勝利」且「絕無冷場」,主角 Xolo Maridueña 更被點名表現優異,還有人認為這部電影對於家庭的刻畫很是深刻,是部集動作、娛樂性以及戲劇張力於一身的優秀作品。
作為當前 DCU 的倒數第二部作品(最後一部為《水行俠2》),《藍甲蟲》同時也是 DC 旗下首部以拉丁裔為主角超級英雄電影。故事講述主角第三代「藍甲蟲」Jaime Reyes(Xolo Maridueña 飾演)意外尋獲外星生物科技「聖甲蟲」,從此改變其命運。以下為部分影評:
「《藍甲蟲》真是太有趣了,出奇的感人!主角 Xolo Maridueña 的表現相當亮眼,這小夥子很有天份。導演 Angel Manuel Soto 將拉丁裔所謂的「隱形」轉變為真正的超能力,真正鼓舞人心。我現在也想知道 Abuela 的起源故事了。」
#BlueBeetle is fantastic fun. Funny, surprisingly heartfelt with a star making turn by Xolo Maridueña. The kid has IT. Director Angel Manuel Soto makes Latinos’ supposed “invisibility” into a full-on superpower. Truly inspiring. I also want the Abuela origin story now! pic.twitter.com/zj3uSThJbl
— Clayton Davis (@ByClaytonDavis) August 11, 2023
「《藍甲蟲》對流行文化的考究令人印象深刻。從《MACARIO》到《魔鬼銀爪 CRONOS》以及《紅蟻俠 El Chapulín Colorado》。但更讓人驚訝的是,School of the Americas 在故事中起到了至關重要的作用,這是真正瞭解並關心拉丁美洲的一部作品。」
Impressed by the pop culture details & historical references in BLUE BEETLE. From MACARIO, to CRONOS, and El CHAPULÍN COLORADO. But even more so that the infamous School of the Americas is integral to the story. This is the work of filmmakers who know & care about Latin America. pic.twitter.com/Li7ZTK629m
— Carlos Aguilar (@Carlos_Film) August 10, 2023
「《藍甲蟲》對 DC 來說是一次巨大的勝利,很好地將這位超級英雄介紹給大家。Xolo Maridueña 的表演充滿魅力,他完美詮釋了這個關於家庭、傳承和使命的故事。這是個關於超級英雄起源的有趣嘗試!」
#BlueBeetle is a MASSIVE win for DC & an electric introduction to the first hero of the DCU. Xolo Maridueña’s charismatic star making performance confidently anchors this intimate synthwave journey of family, heritage, & purpose. A fresh and endearing spin on the origin story! pic.twitter.com/BlpXS2iKFl
— Griffin Schiller (@griffschiller) August 11, 2023
#BlueBeetle is my favorite post-Nolan DC film.
It’s an action packed, highly entertaining superhero story about family…& there’s nothing more important than family.
The film is unique in that it lovingly & unabashedly shares the Reyes family’s Mexican culture. @bluebeetle 🧵 pic.twitter.com/o6Q9kUrbeC
— POC Culture (@POCculture) August 11, 2023
The #BlueBeetle movie is mostly a blast.
Some is too silly or childish for me, a lot had me laughing loud (George Lopez!). Practical suit rocks. The Latino representation is awesome.
Enjoyed the family-centric stakes, solid action beats. Overall, it’s fun. pic.twitter.com/5qzWIkmDyE
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) August 11, 2023
DC should’ve marketed #BlueBeetle more. It’s a fun, self-contained, emotional story about family. Xolo Maridueña is perfectly cast and SHINES as Jamie Reyes. George Lopez and Bruna Marquezine are also standouts. I’m so happy #BlueBeetle is the first DCU character. pic.twitter.com/ANyyx2gPXv
— BSL 🔜 #TIFF23 (@bigscreenleaks) August 11, 2023
#BlueBeetle is here & Latinos FINALLY have a superhero of their own reflected on the big screen. The film is so incredibly good, so unique & delivers on all fronts giving the superhero genre much needed sazón! The film ‘s Tangerine Dream inspired synthwave score also rocks! pic.twitter.com/C6QgvexlTx
— Umberto Gonzalez #BlueBeetleBattalion🪲💙 (@elmayimbe) August 11, 2023
#BlueBeetle was a huge surprise. After a shaky start, the #superhero movie is full of laughter, action & lots of heart. Xolo Maridueña kills it, So does Bruna Marquezine, George Lopez is hilarious & Adriana Barraza is a hoot as “Nana”. Take the whole familia & bring tissues. pic.twitter.com/EYlFQrnSJB
— CineMovie TV (@CineMovie) August 11, 2023
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