西區決賽被橫掃後,LeBron James 正在考慮是否就此退役

Los Angeles Lakers 在今日的西區冠軍賽 Game 4 敗給 Denver Nuggets 後,確定以 0:4 的成績被橫掃,結束了本賽季的旅程,然而對 LeBron James 來說,很快將有更重要的事情需要面對。
從賽後訪問來看,LeBron James 似乎暗示了自己退役的可能性。LeBron James 在訪問中不斷強調自己需要仔細考慮,留給了球迷和媒體許多想像空間,而過後 ESPN 記者 Dave McMenamin 的追問也確認他考慮的正是關於征戰下賽季的意願與否。
眾所皆知,LeBron James 的目標就是與兒子 Bronny James 一同在 NBA 的舞台打球,考量到後者最快在明年就會投入選秀,LeBron James 理應來說會執行完自己當前還剩下 2 年的合約(最後 1 年為球員選項)。
不過今次訪問也代表著,LeBron James 的退役其實已經不這麼遙遠,或許是因為西區冠軍賽的失利,也或許是受到好兄弟 Carmelo Anthony 的影響,無論如何,球迷也是時候做好心理準備了。
Did LeBron James just hint he may have played his last game? pic.twitter.com/864Hp0bk9Q
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) May 23, 2023
LeBron James with a cryptic ending to his press conference: “I got a lot to think about. … Just personally, with me moving forward with the game of basketball, I got a lot to think about.”
— Jovan Buha (@jovanbuha) May 23, 2023
LeBron James to ESPN on his thought process going into the offseason:
Q: When you say you got to think about stuff, what thread should we be pulling on that?
A: “If I want to continue to play.”
Q: As in next year?
A: “Yeah.”
Q: You would walk away?
A: “I got to think about it.”— Dave McMenamin (@mcten) May 23, 2023
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